Chinese enterprises steadily promote the construction of key projects along the Belt and Road

"Like the Chinese builders who dedicate themselves to dedication"

Reporter Lu Qiang Wang Chuanbao Jiang Xuan

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Chinese companies' projects in countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” have been steadily advancing. The foreign leaders of some projects said in an interview with this reporter that the Chinese government has taken decisive and efficient measures to respond to the epidemic and will certainly be able to overcome the epidemic. Facing the impact of the epidemic, Chinese builders have not relaxed their requirements on project duration and quality, and their professionalism and technical level have been praised by the local people.

"In special times, Chinese employees escorted the project construction and gave us peace of mind."

Dar es Salaam Port (hereinafter referred to as Dar Port) is regarded as Tanzania's "gateway port", and it is also an estuary and economic channel for many East African countries. The reconstruction and expansion project of berths 1 to 7 of Dagang, undertaken by China Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd. (China Harbour), is the first large-scale water conservancy project in Tanzania in nearly 50 years. For more than a month, while the Chinese builders in Dagang have been actively preventing and controlling the epidemic, they still ensure the normal operation of the port.

At the site of the reconstruction and expansion project, you can see the dredging vessels and the huge ships loading and unloading container cargo. "Some people returning to China on vacation could not return on time due to the epidemic situation, so we recruited local workers," said project manager Lu Wei. The project department put personnel safety and health first, and purchased protective materials such as masks and disinfectants. Thomas, a local employee involved in the procurement, said: "Chinese colleagues are very concerned about us. They traveled the streets and alleys of the city in hot days to buy all kinds of protective gear."

"Maintaining non-stop construction period" is an important task at present. "I am paying attention to the epidemic every day. The Chinese government has taken active and effective measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic." Said Wei Tongde, deputy general manager of the Port Authority in charge of the project. Chinese employees escorted the project construction and gave us peace of mind. "

Wei Tongde said that China Harbour has recently convened meetings many times. On the one hand, it actively recruits local engineers and workers, strengthens cooperation with local subcontracting teams, and supplements manpower; on the other hand, completes complete planning for construction materials in advance. Channels increase procurement and strengthen transportation methods to ensure project construction progress. "The Chinese team took the initiative to strengthen personnel control, including the 14-day quarantine of personnel from China, which reflects China's high sense of responsibility and careful and rigorous work attitude."

"My monthly salary can reach millions of shillings (about 3,000 yuan), which is much higher than the local salary standard. This has allowed my family to live a good life." Jones, a human resources assistant in the project department, said, " In order to build a good terminal for us, even if affected by the epidemic, Chinese builders still implement the project's schedule and quality requirements to a high standard, which reflects a strong professionalism. We would like to praise the dedicated Chinese builders. "

"Overcoming the difficulties brought by the epidemic and ensuring normal construction, the responsibilities and responsibilities of Chinese builders are touching."

A few days ago, in Yumutalek County, Adana Province, Turkey, the first gantry crane truss of the equipment storage yard of the Hunutru Power Plant (hereinafter referred to as the power plant) of Shanghai Electric Power was hoisted in place. The power plant is China ’s largest direct investment project in Turkey. It is a key project in the “Belt and Road” initiative and Turkey ’s “Middle Corridor” plan. The total investment is about US $ 1.7 billion. Construction officially started last September.

In the past few days, in order to cope with the difficulties caused by the entry of construction workers due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the delay in shipment of equipment and supplies, Shanghai Electric Power Turkey EMBA Power Generation Co., Ltd. led the general contractor and major subcontractors to work together to overcome difficulties and ensure project safety Orderly.

“After the epidemic, employees who had previously returned to China on vacation could not resume work as scheduled.” Li Xiaofeng, deputy director of the power plant, said, “We actively mobilized employees from all participating units to stay on the project site. Everyone gave up their vacations and went to work to ensure the normal operation of the project. . "

Facing the impact of the epidemic, China National Energy Construction Group Anhui Power Construction First Engineering Co., Ltd., the project participating unit, chose to introduce local construction teams and increase local employees. "We transferred some projects originally planned to be completed by the Chinese construction team to the local construction team. With proper management and organization, the delay in construction progress can be minimized," said Zheng Jiude, the site leader.

Fang Jie, the director of the power plant, said: "We believe that with the effective control of the epidemic, the entry of personnel and the delivery of materials will gradually return to normal. In addition, the effective organization of the project construction site and the optimization and adjustment of construction procedures will complete the project construction and It is no problem to put the power plant into operation on time. Guaranteeing the construction period is our biggest contribution to fighting the epidemic. "

Turkey's "Mediterranean News", "News", "Southern News", "Contractor News" and many other media praised Chinese companies' efforts to keep their promises and perform in difficult times. One of the reports stated that, although the epidemic has brought a lot of difficulties to the project construction, with the efforts of Chinese enterprises, the construction of power plants has been proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Overcoming the difficulties caused by the epidemic and ensuring normal construction, the responsibilities and responsibilities of Chinese builders are moving. The local people are full of confidence in the project construction. We believe that all difficulties will pass. China will definitely overcome the epidemic." EMBA Turkey Said general manager Mei Tai.

"Chinese companies are facing difficulties and providing firm support for railway operations, which makes us very encouraged"

The Abuja to Kaduna Railway (hereinafter referred to as the Akka Railway) is an important result of the “Belt and Road” construction in Nigeria and the first modern railway in Nigeria. The Aka Railway has promoted the economic and social development of Nigeria, and it has brought benefits and local people's lives. The project was undertaken by China Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and provided operational technical support. It has a total length of 186.5 kilometers and has been officially opened to traffic for more than 3 years.

Recently, the reporter came to the operation department of the Nigerian railway company Aka Railway Ido Railway Station. "It is with the help of China that we have today's Akka Railway, which is faster and more convenient than roads, and has become an important support for Nigeria's economic development." Said Qurei, the head of Yidu Railway Station. "The epidemic caused a shortage of manpower. China Enterprises and builders endure hardships and hardships, work hard in their own posts, and make important contributions to the normal operation of railways and people's travel. "

Adam has worked at the Ido Railway Station since 2016 and is now the Operations Manager. Adam said that with the help of Chinese companies, we have taken various measures to prevent the new crown pneumonia epidemic, such as temperature monitoring at the entrance and exit of the station, and hand sanitizer placed in the station and in the carriage. "Thank Chinese companies for overcoming difficulties to secure railway operations. The company's performance has not been affected by the epidemic, and the number of passengers has steadily increased, with about 4,000 to 4,500 rides a day."

"What is more terrible than the epidemic is panic. We have done a lot of work in preventing the epidemic. For example, each train is accompanied by 4 medical staff. Once the situation is found, it can be dealt with as soon as possible." Train inspector Obtai · Immanuel said, "In the face of the epidemic, Chinese companies have taken up the difficulties and provided firm support for railway operations, which is very encouraging. I greatly admire the Chinese government's efforts to prevent and control the country, and China will surely overcome the epidemic. "

(From our newspaper, Johannesburg, Ankara, Abuja, February 28)