On July 1, 2023, the regulated gas prices will disappear. Do not panic if you are one of the 4 million French people who subscribe to these rates, it is not yet urgent to change offers. To shed light on the end of regulated gas prices, Frédérique Fériaud, director of services for the energy mediator, was the guest of the Europe 1 morning show on Monday.

Regulated gas prices will disappear on July 1, 2023, prices that still affect 4 million French households. They will soon receive a letter from Engie explaining that they must subscribe to a new offer. Since the end of regulated gas prices will not take effect before July 2023, there is no urgency to act, but the French concerned can already adopt good reflexes to apprehend the end of regulated prices. Frédérique Fériaud, director of services of the energy mediator, guest of the Europe 1 morning show on Monday, clarifies the situation as to the end of these regulated gas prices.

Twenty suppliers and fifty offers that will evolve

Today, there are around twenty suppliers who offer a total of around fifty gas supply offers at market prices, which can evolve according to different criteria. "There are fixed price offers. And you have indexed price offers, the price of which evolves according to a calculation formula. So in the majority of cases, the price is indexed on the evolution of the regulated prices. regulated tariffs fall, prices fall. When regulated tariffs rise, the price increases ", clarifies the director of the services of the energy mediator at the microphone of Europe 1.

Until July 2023, regulated prices continue to exist, and therefore to evolve, although they can no longer be subscribed. Frédéric Fériaud says that from July 2023, an indicator called "reference price" should be implemented. "One can imagine that the suppliers propose prices which will be indexed on this reference price", she supposes. This last hammers especially that it is not necessary to change offer immediately: "There is no urgency because the regulated tariffs will stop in July 2023."

Change offer by July 2023, not supplier

If it is not necessary to change gas supplier, it will however be necessary to change offer from July 1, 2023, date on which the regulated prices will no longer be offered. "Regulated tariffs are offered today by incumbent suppliers. The best known is Engie Gaz Regulated Tariff which also offers offers at market prices. So we can decide to stay with Engie market offer. We can also change suppliers and choose one of the 20 suppliers, there may be more by July 2023, who offer offers at market prices ", explains Frédérique Fériaud.

If it is no longer possible to subscribe to regulated gas prices since they are no longer marketed, it is however possible to change supplier "at any time and as many times as you want" says Frédérique Fériaud . "It's free, it's fast, it's automatic. There is no minimum commitment period, there are no early termination penalties, there are no fees for So if we change suppliers and we realize that the offer we have subscribed does not suit us, we can change again. "

A comparator to choose the offer adapted to its demand.

In the context of the end of regulated tariffs, the national energy ombudsman offers on the energy-info.fr site a comparison of offers referencing all the offers from natural gas and electricity suppliers. Frédéric Fériaud reports on various elements to take into account when comparing offers, and advises not to neglect the price of the subscription in his natural gas bill. "Often, suppliers will communicate on the price per kilowatt hour, it is the price of energy. But in a natural gas bill, there is also the subscription. So we must not forget to compare the price of the subscription, because if the price per kilowatt hour is lower, the subscription price may be more expensive. "

The director of services of the energy mediator also invites us to pay attention to price developments. "Is this a fixed price offer or an indexed price offer? If it is a fixed price offer, what is fixed? Is it just the price per kilowatt hour or is it that it is also the price of the subscription? How long is it fixed? There are durations of engagement of the suppliers which can vary. All these elements are to be taken into account to be able to make an informed choice. "