While the Board of Directors of Engie did not renew the mandate of its director general Isabelle Kocher last Thursday, the interim college management is looking for the one (preferably) who can take his place.

There are no longer any women in the management of a CAC 40 company. The Engie Board of Directors did not renew the mandate of CEO Isabelle Kocher on Thursday. Despite "honorable results" and a "fairly validated" strategy, the Director General was criticized for the execution of her directives. An interim college management takes the reins of the former GDF, the time to find a new general manager. But the task will not be easy.

>> READ ALSO - Why does the board of directors of Engie want the head of Isabelle Kocher?

Simplify the organization of the company

The search for the ideal profile will be launched soon and should take several months. The government has made it clear that it wants a woman to take over from Isabelle Kocher. Internally, a few names are already circulating. One thing is sure, there is no question of making a mistake: someone who knows how to bring calm to management bodies, who simplifies the organization of Engie and above all who gives a clear vision of the future, according to a close associate of the company.

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Among the questions to be resolved, what about nuclear power plants in Belgium? And how can we ensure that gas, the spearhead of this group, is, more than today, a very important element of the energy transition? Engie also wants to strengthen itself in services to businesses and communities. The goal: to be a leader in the energy and climate transition. It remains to find the right person to embody and carry these enormous challenges.