Last October-December GDP "Possible Possibilities in Typhoons and Warm Winters" Economic Recovery Phase 2 February 12:08

Regarding GDP = Gross Domestic Product from October to December last year, Minister for Economic Revitalization Nishimura said at a press conference after the Cabinet that personal consumption fell due to the effects of typhoons and the warm winter, and that He pointed out that it could be negative compared to the moon.

Among them, the Minister for Economic Revitalization Nishimura commented on GDP from October to December last year announced on 17th, "The rush demand following the consumption tax hike was not so large, and the decline after that was so great. However, during the period from October to December, typhoons and warm winters caused the effects of the overall downside risk of overseas economies. Low numbers are coming up. "

He added, "As far as personal consumption is concerned, it is possible that GDP will be lower than in the previous quarter, as it is likely to be lower than the period from July to September." He stated that it could be negative compared to the previous three months.