Free Trade Agreement with the UK Prime Minister to Eliminate Tariffs Not Restricted by EU Regulations February 11 at 11:34

British Prime Minister Johnson will deliver his first speech since leaving the European Union on Wednesday. In this context, Mr. Johnson has stated that he intends to pursue a free trade agreement with the EU that is similar to the one that Canada has concluded, although most tariffs will be abolished, but free from EU regulations.

The UK has left the EU last month and will focus on negotiations on a free trade agreement with the EU.

Mr. Johnson will give his first speech after his withdrawal on the 3rd, and will set out a basic policy for negotiations with the EU.

According to the outline of the policy released by the British government, it states that social and environmental policies can be maintained at a high level without complying with EU regulations, and that they are not bound by EU regulations.

He added that Canada aims to eliminate most tariffs but is not bound by EU regulations, similar to the agreement that Canada signed with the EU.

The UK wants to conclude negotiations with the EU by the end of December this year, which is the end of the transition period to avoid drastic changes, but it is difficult for the EU to conclude a comprehensive trade agreement in as little as 11 months It shows the viewpoint.

There is a big gap between the two sides, and negotiations are expected to be difficult.