Filipino Julita Incarnation, who works as an account manager in Dubai, won the grand prize of Nissan withdrawals at the "Dubai Shopping" festival, which is 350 thousand dirhams in cash.

Incarnation, 46, said she would save the award for the future of her children, as she is the mother of a master’s student in South Korea and a ninth grader, after having been fortunate twice in the past to win an iPad and a tablet computer.

Julieta commented on her victory, saying: "I was asleep when my phone rang that night, and when I answered the man told me on the phone that I had won. My heartbeat accelerated with joy and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I searched my bag for a ticket, I got 15 A ticket this year in the hope that I'm lucky. When I found the winning card, I began to realize the scale of the topic. "

She added, "I am very grateful, because I can now secure the education of my children and buy farmland in my country, the Philippines. Luck goes out to many, but winning for the third time carries a special flavor."