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Israeli military on the border with Lebanon, December 5, 2018. REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun

The UN mission (Unifil) deployed in southern Lebanon confirms the existence of a tunnel dug between the Lebanese territory and the Israeli territory. A confirmation that comes 48 hours after the launch by the Israeli army of the operation "Shield of the North" to destroy this kind of tunnels. Israel is seeking the help of the United Nations and the Lebanese Armed Forces in this task.

From our correspondent in Jerusalem , Guilhem Delteil .

The release of Unifil is rather succinct. After a visit from its leader and an inspection team on the Israeli side of the demarcation line, the UN force in Lebanon said, Thursday, December 6 in the evening, confirm the existence of the tunnel revealed Tuesday by the Israeli army.

" A serious event "

It does not specifically blame Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite movement that is the enemy of Israel. But she now intends to have " a complete idea " of what she considers to be " a serious event ". And it has begun discussions with the various parties to determine the " urgent actions " to put in place.

In a tweet , the Israeli army asked him to recognize that it is Hezbollah who dug this tunnel, an " obviousness " she judges. Denouncing a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, the army is also asking for the help of the UN mission and the Lebanese Armed Forces to destroy these tunnels.

A second tunnel

This Thursday, the Israeli staff assured to have spotted the existence of a second tunnel, more to the west. And she assures that there are still others: her operation " shield of the north " to destroy them should last at least several weeks.