In a Brexit without agreement threatens a study according to the English port of Dover and its surroundings a complete mess. In the English county of Kent, traffic would collapse and garbage pile up on the streets, British newspapers quoted a study by County County Council in southeast England. "Many people could not reach their workplaces for weeks," the study said.

The route between Dover and the French port of Calais is the most important connection between Great Britain and mainland Europe. After a disorderly exit from the European Union, the passage would quickly become a bottleneck because of necessary customs controls. Ships carry 2.5 million trucks a year across the straits. Under the English Channel also runs the Eurotunnel with trains.

The study assumes that there will be about 10,000 lorries stuck in traffic jams due to the new customs controls or having to wait in parking lots. Manston Airport may be used as parking space for about 1,000 vehicles, according to British newspapers. The experts also expect a deterioration in air quality due to traffic chaos.

British administration employees should stay home

Over time, congested roads will affect many areas, the study says. Thus, access to schools and hospitals should be ensured as well as the transport of the dead to mortuaries. In order to ease the situation on the streets, as many administrative employees as possible are to be allowed to work at home for three to six months.

The UK House of Commons will vote next Tuesday on the Brexit deal negotiated with the EU. It is currently unlikely that a majority of MEPs will vote in favor. An unregulated EU exit at the end of March 2019 would then be one of several possible options. There is also speculation about a second ballot in parliament, new elections and a second referendum (read more here).

Graphic for the Brexit Deal

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