[Kim Sung-joon's current affairs observatory]

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■ Broadcast: Kim Sung-joon's current affairs observatory (FM 103.5 MHz 14:20 ~ 16:00)
■ Progress: SBS Kim Sungjun anchor
■ The broadcast date and time: December 7, 2018 (Friday)
■ Speech: Professor Lee Jae-gab, Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Infection Internal Medicine

- Increased death toll from infectious diseases, aging effects
- The number of infectious diseases increased due to insufficient hospital management
- Reinforcement of vaccination against chronic illness needs
- Flu starts more than a week earlier than last year

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

It is said that the number of patients who die from basic infectious diseases is increasing while overcoming incurable diseases. The total number of deaths from infectious diseases has more than doubled in ten years. It has become more than the number of people who died of cerebrovascular disease. This is the first time that the rate of death to infectious diseases has become double digits. What is the cause of this problem? Professor Lee Jae-gab, Professor of Infection Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University. Professor Hello.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

Yes. Hi.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Infectious Disease How many patients have died?

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

The data from the National Cancer Center and the National Statistical Office (NSO) Of last year's 180,000 deaths, there were about 28,000 deaths from infectious diseases. It seems to be about 10% of the total deaths.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

A lot. Then, last year, for example, we often talk about the number of people who died of cerebrovascular disease when comparing deaths. Did not you exceed that number?

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

right. Since there are 22,700 cerebrovascular diseases, more than 5,000 infectious deaths have increased.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

But if we are infectious, then when people think common sense. The hygiene is improved and the country is advanced. So, if the medical infrastructure gets better, the infectious diseases do not disappear rapidly. It is often easy to think. Infectious Diseases So, the illnesses that we often talk about originate in such a messy environment. Also, since the medical infrastructure is not equipped properly, it can not be resolved quickly until the infection becomes serious. Because I thought it was like that. However, our country is not such a situation.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

The cause of the death due to the infectious disease itself is really important. The high mortality rate in countries that do not live in infancy, infectious disease, malaria or infectious disease in many children who died in many newborns is a high part of the death rate. If you are an aging society in Korea, you will suffer many diseases when your seniors die at the end. You have a chronic disease, and you have cancer. Most of them are infected at the end, and there are many cases where they die from it. So I think that the parts that affect the aging of our country seem to work quite well.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Aging affects it.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

Yes. And there are a lot of talks about the fortress. The medical expenses that the elderly use last time are more than half of the lifetime used. There are also stories like this. Anyway, at the end, there are various complications that accompany the infection, and it also increases the length of time you spend in the hospital. So, it is more exposed to many medical infections that you can get from the hospital. So, I think it is inevitable that the length of hospital stay is long in the nursing hospital or general hospital. Multiple pneumonia or urinary tract infections. When this happens, I think that those parts are influencing.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

You mentioned pneumonia and urinary tract infection now. What kind of infectious disease has the most deaths?

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

Currently, 19,378 people have pneumonia, accounting for almost 68% of the total percentage. There are about 4,000 sepsis and about 1,800 tuberculosis. Among sepsis, there are quite a few sepsis due to pneumonia. I think the overall mortality rate is the highest in pneumonia.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

i See. But I heard what you said right now. As I initially thought, medical technology is developing like this, and I think it's a different matter than worrying about the infectious disease going on. First, the problem of aging is affecting. If it happens naturally, I think that elderly elderly people will have to come up with a new issue of infection management in the case of a nursing hospital for example.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

right. Now that you have been treated at a local university hospital or general hospital, the infectious disease has been resolved, but if you can not get enough of the condition itself, you will be admitted to a nursing home or nursing home. But there are many such facilities. After that, I still have a lot of stinging support for infection control in the country. Therefore, it seems that such manpower management, such a part, the nursing staff is in a state of insufficient. It is also true that these people are increasingly exposed to a variety of medical-related infections in the absence of infection control.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Is there a regulation that requires staff to manage infections only in the hospital?

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

I am continuing to strengthen the regulations now. As of October 2018, more than 150 hospital-level medical institutions nationwide have an infection control specialist. So far, there is no regulation in the nursing hospitals that puts them in charge of infection control.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

However, it is a situation that may require more care hospitals now.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

right. Because it is the same for general small and medium hospitals. Nursing home hospitals suffer from severe illnesses in university hospitals, etc. There are many kinds of multi-drug resistant bacteria in college hospitals, and there are quite a lot of cases going to nursing hospitals with these microorganisms. In fact, it is the area where infection control is as good as a university hospital. I have not been able to support you because of the national health insurance and various problems.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

By the way. For example, I thought that the patient who overcame the incurable disease managed to get through it.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

It seems to me that you usually think a lot of cancer if you call it incurable. There are also immune-compromised diseases. Rheumatic diseases and these also take a long time to treat, and they use immunosuppressive drugs. Anticancer therapy is an immunosuppressant concept, reducing immunity. In addition, many fortification treatments, rheumatic diseases, and so on. Recently, there are too many people in the process of overcoming the disease with such immune deprivation. So I see the immunity is off, pneumonia or urinary tract infection, these things. I want to be exposed to several infectious diseases that do not catch people with normal immunity. In addition, the infection will have very severe symptoms. It is also aging, but it is becoming increasingly aging as people become ill with these diseases. So, the vulnerable groups are getting worse than they were 10 years ago or 20 years ago.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

What measures do you need?

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

I have to take a number of measures. First, it is important to thoroughly manage the infection prevention of elderly people who are likely to be separated from such immunity or immunocompromised chronic disease patients. First, I think I will have to put a lot of effort into strengthening immunization. The second is the nursing home, nursing home, or nursing home where many elderly or chronic patients are hospitalized through infection control of medical institutions. The same goes for general university hospitals and general hospitals. It is also a good thing to be careful that the infection control is thoroughly done so that the patients in the hospital should also prevent serious infections.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Can these things be solved with government support or medical insurance? In the present state.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

Currently, all parts related to immunization are free for the part of the national immunization, and some of the influenza and pneumonia vaccinations are free for the elderly. Children are doing a lot of vaccinations. There are several vaccinations besides that now. Because these parts are not covered by insurance, they are all vaccinated as uninsured. So those who are okay with income are good if they say good vaccination. In the case of the next level or those who are immunized, the situation of the vaccine itself is becoming a problem. Therefore, it seems that there is a need to emphasize the protection of the immunity, especially the elderly and those with chronic illnesses.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Okay. I think the government needs to make a plan. It's a different story, but it's starting to get very cold from today. There was a saying that there is a sign that the flu is going to be very popular this winter.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

The influenza epidemic itself has started more than a week earlier than last year. So, it is the time when the flu started at this time last year, because there are already a lot of influenza patients, and there are quite a lot of hospitalized patients. It is likely that the influenza season will be quite long this year. So, those who have not vaccinated yet are quick to meet, and winter is still far away. I left a lot. Prevention of influenza.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

I have already started the flu, and is it effective even with a shot now?

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

Because the flu is usually two viruses or three viruses in winter. If you take it now, there is a risk that you may get another flu in January and February. So, of course, those who have not gotten yet should be more right. People who have been caught may also get another flu.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

It is also important to get vaccinated. First of all, there are various rules to prevent the flu. What if there is such a thing?

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

Because the spread of the flu itself spreads through the respiratory tract or is contaminated by touching the contaminated surfaces of such viruses. During influenza epidemics, it is very important to wear masks, especially those with chronic illnesses and older patients. You have to wash your hands often to prevent infection through your hands. And more importantly, people who have flu symptoms can definitely lower their prey by wearing a mask. So if you have symptoms of respiratory infections, it's a good idea to wear a mask.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Of course, it seems like you should keep your hands clean, of course.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

Of course it is basic.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

It is important to stay warm in winter, but it is also important to stay dry. Is that right?

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

That is the case. When the upper reaches are dry, the invasion of these viruses is quite easy. So some sort of water itself acts as a lubricant, so it works well in the ciliated or respiratory parts of the lungs that block the virus. Keeping it dry is something that can help.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

Okay. I will listen to you today. thank you.

▶ Jae-Gab Kang Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University:

Yes. Thank you.

▷ Kim Seong-joon / Host:

So far, I have been sharing the message with Professor Lee Jae-gab, an infectious medicine professor at Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital.