
This time, I will talk about a new job model, Gwangju-type job. In short, this is a way for the government to support welfare benefits, such as buying a home or a home, rather than lowering the salary of the workers, to make it equal to the industry average earnings. Hyundai Motor has been discussing ways to build a car factory in Gwangju, and it has been concluded in four years.

First, it is Kim Hye-min.


The agreement, which Gwangju and Hyundai agreed on, both reflected the amount invested, as well as appropriate wages, working hours, and desirable relationship.

It is reported that Gwangju city, which is the first shareholder, will invest 59 billion won and Hyundai will invest 53 billion won.

We reached a consensus on wages and working hours that were controversial.

According to Hyundai Motors, it is said that the starting salary is set at 35 million won and 44 hours per week.

Gwangju City and Hyundai Motor will hold a labor-management-ministerial meeting tomorrow (May 5) and jointly decide the final negotiation proposal.

When the business starts, there are about 12,000 jobs in the area. This is the first case where the companies that were reluctant to create jobs because of high wages and the local governments that are trying to attract companies to make jobs are the winners.

[Nam Nam-ki / Vice Minister of Economy (Today's HR Hearing): I think Gwangju-type job is a good model for creating new jobs. I think it is necessary to review this in general.]

However, the labor community strongly opposes it.

Hyundai Motor union claims that Gwangju type jobs are over redundant investment, especially in the situation where automobile industry facilities remain, and that it can level down wages in particular.

The Hyundai Unions are expected to announce a strike in the near future, and are also considering legal measures to sue the contracting parties, such as those on the business side.

(Image editing: Kim Ho Jin)