
Friendly economy, today (6th) Thursday, I will be with Kwon Aryagi. Kwon, come on. (Good morning) It's the end of the year, so there's a lot of talk about company incentives, especially among the workers.


Yes, this is a very sensitive issue for companies. "We gave a small sum this year." "No," he said. You are talking a lot now.

There are also a lot of places where it is hard to expect much. We survey the companies at this time each year in the job portal called People.

"I think I can give this year's bonus," "No." We talked about 63% this year, and 6 out of 10 respondents said that we would not be able to pay incentives. The game is too dark.

The fact is, however, that the ratios themselves are nearly identical every year.

Since the number of companies responding to this survey varies a little each year, it is not quite like a knife, but looking at the percentage of companies that have responded to the survey in the last five years since 2014, six out of ten I answered.

But where do you say "Oh, it's really hard this year." The average payment for 188 companies that answered that they can pay incentives this year is 1.9 million won.

This is more than 20% less than last year. Over the last five years, average incentive payments in this survey have increased steadily, except for 2016.

By the end of 2016, however, it was a time when the indicators emerged at that time, or later indicators, or, as a result of the political confusion in common, the game was rapidly frozen.

In fact, except for 2016, it recovered greatly again last year, but it dropped to 1.9 million this time.


For the most part, the game is not going to look good for 5 years anyway, but there are companies that make bonuses that did not exist suddenly?


"There can be such a place like this." I have been thinking about this since morning, but I think that there are some people who are not in good spirits, so I am very careful to talk about it, but there are many people who are interested in this news from yesterday.

That's the company you guessed. Samsung Electronics. But this bonus is that we always hear from the beginning of the year, "Samsung has paid half of the annual salary as bonus." It is different from the performance fee when we do it.

Give it back as it is. Literally, this year's bonus is 100% up to 500% of base pay.

This is the third week of this year, and it is the largest ever, so this bonus amounts to 750 billion won. However, if you say 100% to 500% of basic pay, there is a big difference in Samsung Electronics.

Samsung Electronics is now known quite well, and there is a big gap in performance depending on where you are in the business sector. Last year, LEDs and medical devices were only one-tenth of incentive pay. There is a lot of difference.

This special bonus was also divided according to the business sector, and there was a lot of misfortune.

It is also a semiconductor to receive up to 500%. So, if you are a semiconductor manager, this bonus announced yesterday will cost you about 15 million won. It's a symbolic part. It was only semiconductors that we could say that we were laughing in our country exports this year.

Automobiles, steel, and shipbuilding Korea's major business divisions have been difficult, and semiconductors are still a concern. However, Samsung's semiconductor operating profits are the largest ever, with revenues of 48 trillion won .


I do not think Samsung Electronics will listen to me for a long time, but on the other hand, some years ago, I did not receive as much as the semiconductor sector did not get a lot of places?


Wireless, mobile phone sector. I received only 100% of the lowest base rate in this special bonus. Still, it is the first and second place in the world smartphone market, but the outlook is not bright.

In addition to competing with Apple, the problem is further compounded by the stagnation of the mobile phone market, which is being pushed down by various low-end phones worldwide.

However, as the market for smartphones is opened, "Did we find new food?" I actually did not look back in a few years, but I did not really get to use it anymore.

I can not tell you everything until today, but there are many reasons to worry about semiconductors that have achieved the highest level of achievement this year. This is the reason why I am seeing the ups and downs of this smartphone market.

Anyway, the semiconductor was good this year though. That's why Samsung Electronics Semiconductor has been given so far. Last year, SK Hynix, the second-largest shareholder with a 400% bonus to base salary, was reported to be preparing to give more. It seems to be the companies that are different in the amount of money.