• Networks Europe is about to run out of access to Facebook and Instagram


has introduced a new tool that allows content creators to

embed music with editorial rights in their



and earn a portion of streaming ad revenue.

This is

Music Revenue Sharing,

a novelty with which the company founded by

Mark Zuckerberg

intends to encourage users to include songs by popular artists included in its catalog.

"This feature is

the first of its kind in the music industry

. No other platform offers creators this type

of revenue model

on this scale," the company said.

With this

Meta system, it intends to offer new



both to content creators and to the artists of popular or well-known songs.

In this way,

the rights holders of

these can also earn money through



To do this, it will only be necessary for the creators to use the songs in their videos with a

duration from 60 seconds


They will also be able to collect through


ads - which are played before, after or during the videos -, since

a part of this income is destined for the authors

of these compositions.


On the other hand, the creators of the videos will receive

20% of the income of the videos

that meet the requirements, while the remaining percentage will not be shared between the rights holders of the songs and

Meta itself


The company has recalled that all content created must comply with

Facebook's monetization policies

, as well as community standards.

In addition, he has stressed that both music and videos that violate these conditions

are exposed to sanctions

, such as demonetization.

In order to be part of this new system, content creators

will need to enable in-stream ads

and comply with monetization rules.

On the other hand,

the videos must be uploaded to a Facebook page

and contain songs included in the copyrighted music library, as well as present a musical component in the video.

This means that the content must predominate in these posts and that

licensed music

cannot be the main focus of the video.



has detailed that the videos can be uploaded either through the platform designed for this type of content,

Creator Studio

, or directly to the chosen page of the social network.

If the chosen song from the Facebook Library is eligible for

Music Revenue Sharing

, users will receive a notification confirming that the video is monetizing views and sharing revenue between creators, authors, and Meta.

In addition,


can monitor their progress on expected earnings from in-stream ads at any time from the

Creator Studio


The company has announced that this

monetization system

has already begun to work throughout the world.

First, eligible videos

that comply with the regulations will

begin monetizing from

in-stream ads

in the United States.

This option will be extended to the rest of the world in the coming months.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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  • Facebook

  • Goal

  • mark zuckerberg

  • USA