Élodie Goulesque, edited by Ophélie Artaud 1:51 p.m., July 27, 2022

The actor was fooled by a false Irish lord who convinced him to entrust him with more than two million euros for the maintenance of his yacht, before encouraging him to invest 4.5 million euros in a investment fund with a high interest rate and exempt from taxes.

The case is currently before the Irish courts.

He probably wanted to pay less tax by contacting an Irish lord.

But actor Dany Boon got ripped off.

The lord in question was a fake and he lost six million euros.

"An elaborate fraud."

This is how Dany Boon's lawyer described in the Irish press the scam of which the actor was the victim.

On the advice of a relative, the French director entrusted his money to Terry Birles, a real fake Irish lord.

The case is before the Irish courts

The latter made the actor believe that he was heir to a century-old family business and convinced him to entrust him with more than two million euros for the maintenance of his yacht.

Last July, Terry Birles explained to Dany Boon that he wanted to invest his money in an investment fund with an interest rate of more than 3% and exempt from taxes.

The actor therefore makes a second payment of 4.5 million euros.

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It is finally thanks to an anonymous source that Dany Boon realizes the scam of which he has been the victim.

Since then, the case has been before the Irish courts.

Terry Birles denies the facts, but his assets have been frozen pending a court decision.

In total, Dany Boon would have lost 6.7 million euros in this case.