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ARD sports coordinator Axel Balkausky has criticized Philip Lahm for his expert activity during the Football World Cup in Russia. "Having Philipp Lahm in our team was certainly invigorating because of his experience," says Balkausky in the magazine "Sport Bild". "Sometimes we would have liked more of this wealth of experience and even clearer assessments."

One would certainly talk to Lahm "about our joint programs," said Balkausky. So far, however, there has been no way to do so.

Lahm had caused a stir after the World Cup from the German national team with his clear criticism of coach Joachim Loew. In a statement on the social network LinkedIn he wrote: "I am convinced that Jogi Löw must change his collegial leadership style of recent years, if he wants to succeed again with the new generation of national players." Also in the ARD, the 34-year-old former footballer of Bayern Munich had spoken out for a change in Löw's leadership style.

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On the other hand, Ottmar Hitzfeld and Felix Magath praised Lahm - albeit not for his World Cup coverage. The two dare Lahm to take on the reconstruction of the German national team a supporting role. "Philipp has always been a perfectionist who has reached the limit of performance and was a role model within the team and could help with his ambition and competence," said Hitzfeld at Sport1. Magath added: "He has gained a lot of experience in football and not only the Bundesliga, but also the national team would be good for Philipp Lahm."

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Lahm had in the ARD to the question of whether he aspires to a post in the German Football Association (DFB), replied: "You can definitely see it that way." Lahm is currently working for the association as ambassador of the German EM application 2024. He had ended his career in the national team after the German World Cup victory in 2014 in Brazil.