Andreas Palicka has had a leading role in the Swedish national team in recent years. Not least during the gold championship, EC in Hungary 2022, where Palicka scored three goals in the semi-final against France.

A match that Palicka's clubmate in Paris Saint Germain, Luka Karabatic, remembers.

- If you want to be successful in handball, you must have a good goalkeeper. We see in all finals and big matches that the goalkeeper is decisive and in recent years' championships, Palicka has been very decisive, says Karabatic.

- He is one of the best in the world with loads of experience. Since he came to Paris, I have also gotten to know him and discovered the person as well. He is funny and likes to joke, just like me.

Why is he one of the best?

- His physique. He is explosive, good at reading shots and has experience. The Scandinavian goalkeeper school is the best in the world and Palicka comes from it. Sweden has had great goalkeepers in the 1990s and Palicka is one of the heirs.

SEE MORE: Palicka on being pitted against his club mates: "More stressed"

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Andreas Palicka: "Now we need to be the best" Photo: Ludvig Thunman / BILDBYRÅN