Andreas "Stycket" Nilsson has barely had playing time during the championship. He was certainly picked as a wildcard going into the seven-on-six game. Despite Sweden having secured promotion to the semi-finals with one game remaining in the main round, the 33-year-old lineman has only played 26 minutes in this championship.

- It is as I have said before: my role is to come in seven against six, he says.

A lively start against Norway does not guarantee playing time in the semi-finals - but should the Swedish attacking game get stuck, one of the world's best middle sixes is on the bench.

- I feel that I am involved and can contribute. Then it is a risk to play seven against six. You take out your goalkeeper and play with an empty goal. But we have practiced it and it was fun to do it against Norway. I don't know how much we will use it against France. Depends a little on whether the attack stops or not, says Nilsson.

Playing with several French people

In his club team Veszprem, Nilsson plays with several of the French stars and knows the quality of the French team.

- They have world-class players in every position. Not just one and two but sometimes even three. They account for a lot of shooting power and have many players who are heavy. I see nothing negative about their team. Maybe the goalkeeper position. It will be a tough match tomorrow.

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Andreas "Stycket" Nilsson talks about life as a father of two and a handball professional. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/*TT