“Finally got into the right groove”

— What event in 2023 was the brightest for you?

- I don’t remember any one.

It is important that in terms of work I managed to overcome myself a little, to overcome myself.

Took my physical fitness to a new level.

Compared to 2022, I have finally gotten into the right groove.

Since the previous two seasons turned out to be quite ragged: I trained for two weeks, competed, we only have two tournaments - the Cup and the national championship, and again I abandoned everything.

The break between starts is very long, four to five months.

And there is no point in continuing to keep yourself in shape, to reach its peak.

After all, in any case, such loads wear out the body, and there is no point in doing it if there are no starts.

Now I’ve managed to pull myself together, gradually get in shape and set certain goals.

There is motivation because this year promises to be more competitive, with the BRICS and Friendship Games.

Internally, there was a desire to work differently, to the fullest.

Otherwise, prioritize by focusing on training.

— How hard was it to train before the New Year holidays?

- Actually, it’s not hard.

After the Russian Cup I got into shape.

Usually, when it’s not bad, you don’t need to force yourself too much.

A good result is self-supporting.

But I agree that the New Year’s mood plays a role.

I wanted to rest a little.

Relieve tension from your head.

In addition, partners come to life in December: there are many different events and filming.

Every day is scheduled, and sometimes you just don’t know where to get the strength to come and fully work out in the gym.

We have to make the workout smoother and more functional.

— Your performances at the Russian Championship and the National Cup last year were not very successful.

Did the coaches talk about problems with your palms?

— There were calluses.

They still exist now, after every workout.

But I learned to work with it.

Everything is fine here.

The matter was a little different.

In 2022, I performed optimal combinations at competitions, not overly expensive and at the same time stable.

I just kept myself in good shape.

For 2023, I already set myself other goals, included new elements, tried different combinations, but in this case, it doesn’t matter whether you want it or not, you will make mistakes.

It usually doesn't work out the first time.

And in many moments I took risks.

I had been testing previous combinations for years so that they would bring me the medals that I eventually won.

Therefore, everything is fine here.

I don’t consider last year a failure, because I didn’t have a goal to get into the top three, I just wanted to try new elements and combinations.

— How many competitions per season do you personally need to stay in shape and calmly test your existing programs?

— Six or seven tournaments a year is optimal and cool for me.

This cycle has already happened.

And I felt comfortable.

Moreover, this does not count small commercial starts, like the Bundesliga: there was a trip for one day.

— So the option, say, with a stage Russian Cup could be interesting?

- Maybe.

Or create some kind of club competitions, not as large as the Russian Championship, which is spread over four days, and you compete in the all-around, team, and then in individual events.

To test the programs, it would be possible to make tournaments in the same image, gather teams or clubs, organize one-day meetings, fights.

But there are many organizational nuances in this issue.

We need to find a platform and funding to hold such competitions.

Here, of course, everything is up to the federation.

But for gymnasts, I think it would be interesting and useful.

- At the same time, you have a show.

— Yes, and, by the way, there were more of them in 2023 than in the previous year.

Then there were two - Svetlana Khorkina and Alexei Nemov.

Now he performed in four.

This also helps to maintain shape.

Because you enter the arena, where there are a huge number of spectators, and you feel not even a competitive, but a performance nerve.

Against the backdrop of all the suspensions, such events have a positive effect on preparation.

“But at the show, athletes still don’t perform the most difficult elements.

- Of course, this is not a competition and there is no point in demonstrating the maximum of your skills.

Rather, we need to show the beauty of gymnastics, artistry, and play with the public.

Energize the kids who come to play sports.

Giving them motivation to work is really cool.

— You mentioned artistry.

In gymnastics, is it more difficult to perform an element or to show that it is done easily?

- Interest Ask.

It is possible to complete the element, the question is how.

If you bend slightly and spread your legs, you will receive deductions.

It is incredibly difficult to approach and execute the combination flawlessly, like the best approaches.

— If we talk about injuries, did you manage to heal everything in two equal years or is your Achilles still bothering you?

“This injury will now constantly remind itself of itself.

The Achilles needs to be monitored.

After all, when a tendon ruptures and is then sutured, it still becomes stiffer than on a healthy leg.

And you have to be much more attentive to this, listen to yourself.

If you feel discomfort during training, then the load should be removed.

It’s better to go to the doctor once again and undergo physical therapy and heal a little.

After this everything is restored.

As for everything else, now, thank God, there are no other uncomfortable moments.

It turns out to work at full strength and, most importantly, all six (shells -



— So the pain in the Achilles is still present?

— Rather, a feeling of discomfort, a reminder of oneself.

Signs that you have had a serious injury and now you need to be more attentive and responsible in training.

— You said that the main thing is to be able to pass all six shells.

Because of the injury, there was no desire to concentrate on one or more?

- It could have been done that way.

And many older athletes, who are almost 30 years old, do just that.

Focus on one or two and work.

But I love gymnastics for its diversity.

There is a wide range of equipment, and each is good, interesting and teaches you something.

Everyone needs their own approach.

Follow one here, another there.

And the result is a very good picture of yourself.

The whole puzzle is coming together.

I don't see myself as narrowly focused.

If my health and body tell me that that’s it, I don’t need to approach this projectile, maybe I’ll think about it.

And so they will try to work for everyone.

— Now, probably, you no longer have unloved shells.

What about in childhood?

“I’ve always been bad at horses.”

And it’s not that I did it clumsily or fell.

Its ratings were always the lowest.

I don’t know how I got to medals with such a “sagging” horse.

But the value of this projectile is still much higher.

And I am grateful to him, because he teaches perseverance and consistency: everyday, routine work.

At least me.

If I come and don’t want to force myself to do the basic school approach plus some other elements that are not stable, then the whole all-around goes well.

It works better with other shells.

In addition, it is possible to control emotions and keep oneself in control in emergency situations.

Therefore, for many of my achievements and medals, I am grateful to the horse.

— You said that you did all the elements normally.

How did you explain the low grades?

“According to the coaches, it’s primarily about my anthropometric data.

The circles may be a little angular visually.

Although I know that when I bring myself to the peak of shape with a normal weight, I already look no worse than others on horseback.

And if I’m in working condition and have 4-5 extra kilos, then maybe I really look baggy.

My shoulders and pelvis are wide, but my arms are not long enough and in the end I end up spinning like a bear on a horse.

But if you act responsibly and do certain work every day, then he will also reach a good level.

  • RIA News

  • © Alexey Filippov

“The coaching staff keeps everyone under a tight rein”

— In one interview, your spouse was asked about your good and bad qualities.

What character trait would you highlight?

“It’s probably a responsibility.”

Although this quality sometimes bothers me.

At a certain point, I realized that it is important to be responsible for your work, words, promises, even if it is a small thing, for any action in life.

I'm always working on this.

Sometimes it even turns out to be excessive, overkill.

-What is the most irresponsible thing you have done?

- I can’t remember anything like that.

I try to be as responsible as possible in all matters, both in the family and in training, in competitions, and other things.

And when you forget about some agreements, you become very ashamed.

Especially if it concerns loved ones.

But sometimes there are very large amounts of work: you need to attend many events or there is a difficult preparation stage, and you simply don’t know how to manage everything.

And at such moments, all responsibility has to be transferred to Olya.

However, we are both people from sports, and we understand how important it is in such situations to unite, provide mutual support, mutual understanding and replace each other.

We seem to be doing pretty well at this.

— Is your wife offended?

- No, in most cases she shows understanding and restraint, and for this I really appreciate and love her.

We are all not robots.

There are times when she lacks attention and wants her husband to be at home more.

But every man is, first of all, the breadwinner in the family.

He is responsible for her and must do everything for the well-being of his loved ones.

If there are moments when she is offended, they do not last long.

We quickly find common ground and resolve our disputes and misunderstandings.

Olya has also been dancing for 20 years and knows how much work, effort and patience it takes to reach the top.

And this helps us become better day by day.

— We saw how during training, you repeatedly got the soft cube when something didn’t work out.

How much of a perfectionist are you?

— During training, emotions manifest themselves in different ways.

He's soft



That's what it was created for, to be thrown and kicked.

In fact, when we are preparing for competitions, I try to control myself in every sense, not to let out emotions, not to get angry.

And in training, if you learn new elements and something doesn’t work out, and you don’t understand why, then, of course, the cube gets it.

Letting off steam.

I'm actually not irritable at all in the gym.

— After the Russian Championship, you noted Ivan Kulyak, Daniel Marinov, Sergei Naidin.

At the international level, could they compete for places on the podium?

— I already said earlier what great work is being done now on Lake Round, and not so much by the athletes themselves, but by the coaches.

Coming here, I get the feeling that everything is the same as before.

Of course, I'm missing some workouts now.

But when I find myself here, I see: the guys are working, just like we did several years ago when preparing for the European and World Championships.

In the empty months, we learned new elements and set global goals.

And now everything is exactly the same. 

All the guys train with dedication, to the fullest.

This is the reason for the high results of Naidin, Marinov, Kulyak at the Russian Cup, which evokes only respect and admiration.

All the guys are great.

But the most important thing is the coaching staff, which keeps the team under a tight rein and doesn’t let anyone relax.

— So, with your return in optimal shape, there will be a serious fight for medals?

- Yes.

I’m also trying not to push myself, because at some point I may not be able to withstand such competition.

I keep myself in good shape and hope to reach a decent level of performing elements by next year.

— Did you watch the World Cup?

— I only followed certain gymnasts who are now among the leaders.

For example, behind the Japanese Daiki Hashimoto and the Filipino Carlos Yulo.

The Chinese national team is also performing well, although its composition has been greatly updated.

Drew conclusions and debriefed.

Well, in general, I looked at the level of world artistic gymnastics, because, training and performing only at home, you don’t understand a little what the current trends and fashion are.

After all, the judging also changes from year to year, something new is constantly being invented.

— Do you manage to communicate with any of the foreign athletes?

— Previously, if we maintained contact, it was only on social networks.

Not counting, as I already said, trips to commercial competitions.

Now everything is the same.

I only learn about trends and fashion in gymnastics from there.

— You will definitely be performing in 2024.

So what is next?

— For me, the most important thing is that it does not harm myself and that I enjoy the work.

At the moment I have set goals and objectives for myself, I feel good in training, there are positive emotions from the process.

As the guys joke about me, my second youth has begun.

Now it is important to work through this cycle.

And then we'll see.

  • Dalaloyan about the regime and family

“There is never silence in our apartment”

— Sambo wrestler and MMA fighter Vitaly Minakov said in one of his interviews that it’s difficult for him to force himself to go to the gym if he doesn’t need to prepare for a fight.

- I don’t have such problems.

I work out every day.

On holidays, some people may not go to the gym for a week at all, but I know: I need to wake up no later than seven and work out first.

This is my health: what I live by.

Of course, there are some important things that cannot be postponed.

But I don’t have any reasons to skip class, such as the desire to sleep.

No excuses will be accepted. 

- Is this the regime?

- I think yes.

How you feel matters to everyone.

And I understand that if I don’t train for a week or two, and this has happened, at these moments I don’t feel very good in all aspects.

This is probably already a way of life that has been formed since childhood.

— Are you able to get children into this mode?

- Yes, there are days when it is very difficult to get them into kindergarten or school.

But my wife and I are persistent and do not accept any excuses.

If you have a schedule with clubs and sections, then you must attend everything.

Soon, I hope, the Dynamo gym will open in Petrovsky Park, where I want to take the girls, and they will begin to take their first steps in gymnastics.

— Is there anything nearby yet?

- Yes, you need to carry it.

And this is difficult.

- Do your daughters want it? 

“The eldest daughter Nicole taught herself how to do the splits.

Yes, I suggested some subtleties to her, but still.

She also taught herself the wheel.

The youngest, who is still 2.5 years old, is already doing a handstand near the wall and doing somersaults on the sofa.

Genes probably also influence, no matter how you look at it.

- Well, my mother is also an athlete.

- Yes, they are all very energetic.

They love to dance.

The kids put a bubblegum sticker on my phone: “Silence.”

What I sometimes dream about, because there is never silence in our apartment.

Music, dancing, and some kind of demonstration numbers are constantly playing.

Sometimes daughters cooperate and come up with something together with their mother.

In this regard, we have a lot of fun.

Everyone is very active and talented.

— Many people make a list at the beginning of the year that needs to be done.

Did you have one in 2023 and were you able to fulfill all the points?

— My wife and children spent this summer in Moscow and realized that we really really wanted a dacha.

We need suburban housing where everyone could go together and just enjoy nature and relax.

We set this goal for ourselves for the year and just recently decided to take this step.

We are currently doing renovations.

I think by the May holidays we will already have a house.

— That is, you will spend the May holidays traditionally for many Russians - with barbecues in nature.

- Yes



In fact, this has been a long-time dream.

And now we finally decided to implement it.

Plus, holidays abroad have now become very expensive.

Moreover, the family is large.

So we decided to do this.

As for sports tasks, they are primarily in my training now.

And I’m just working them out.

There are several seeds planted that should sprout soon, next year.  

— In such a large family, is it difficult to choose gifts for the New Year?

— I proceed more from wishes.

But you really have to buy a lot of different things.

After all, there are also parents, mother-in-law, father-in-law.

— Do dad or Santa Claus bring gifts to children?

— Santa Claus, of course, but dad buys them



As a rule, my wife and I have an event: a trip to an interesting place, a New Year's performance.

And something material, under the tree, from Santa Claus.

— Do the children write letters to him too?

- Yes, definitely.

This year we visited Kostroma, the birthplace of the Snow Maiden.

She has a house, where probably the tenth letter to Santa Claus has already been sent.

- Tradition?

— No, we just travel a lot.

My wife constantly tries to take us somewhere: Kostroma, Cherkessk, Dagestan.

I can’t imagine where she gets so much strength and energy.

Because I am a person who likes to stay at home.

But my wife is the engine of life who makes me constantly go somewhere.

And for the last time we went on a two-day excursion with Styopa’s class.

We went on a husky sled ride and visited a moose farm.

Great emotions for kids.

— You said that you like to stay at home.

What would your ideal day be like?

— Well, it would definitely start with training



In fact, I treat every day as ideal.

If you approach life this way, then everything will be fine.

Even when it’s hard and things don’t work out.

— You took part in a lot of master classes and exercises with champions.

How much do you enjoy interacting with children?

— This year has actually been very busy.

I also went to Styopa’s school to talk about important things.

And on behalf of the Knowledge Society, I attend events where we talk with young people, students, and share our experiences.

I like it, especially when you get a return.

You see guys who are really interested in communication, want to grow, take something from you, learn something.

It's priceless.

— What do you primarily want to convey to them?

— What I got from sports.

Because this is, in any case, a school of life.

Sometimes she beats, sometimes she gives medals.

It can be both difficult and easy.

But there is a constant struggle, you have to adapt to difficult conditions, choose the right path, and overcome yourself.

Sport teaches you to work every day.

Take responsibility for every step you take, including every movement in the gym.

— You also participate in the events of the Future Games.

Don't play yourself?

- Why?

We have a bag here, I enjoy hitting it.

We often play football with the boys.

However, it is far from consoles.

As a child, we felled at the base, including on Lake Krugloye.

They came with their own computers and could play Counter-Strike.

In principle, this is interesting and unifying.

Because the atmosphere in the hall is work-related and you don’t really communicate, team spirit is not developed.

Everyone has their own goals and objectives.

And at the end of training, we went to dinner, then sat down at the computers and fought together against some other team.

After such evenings, you begin to relate to people differently, you identify their positive or negative qualities.

- Isn’t there such a thing now?

— I’m already very far from computer games.

I mostly solve some work issues.

Although we recently bought a Sony Playstation.

And sometimes Styopa and I play FIFA, but I’m not a good player.

I keep giving in.

- And here the youth are supporting.

- Yes, second grade.

And he already understands everything about consoles and computers.

  • Dalaloyan about football and media league

“Before every gymnastics training, we warm up with a ball”

— You mentioned football.

In July, they took part in the Super Skill Challenge before the final of the Moscow Celebrity Cup, where they represented Dynamo.

Are you a fan of the Blue and Whites?

— This has been my favorite team since childhood.

I'll keep an eye on the results.

I watch the matches, the guys have been showing very good play lately.

I always hurt with all my heart.

— After that match they said that they wouldn’t mind playing in the Media League.

Were you serious?

- Why not?

Go out and go for a run.

The most important thing here is what goals the team pursues.

Of course, I’m not ready to devote all my time to the Media League.

My sports career is still ongoing, and my family and children require a lot of attention.

Therefore, I don’t have the strength to attend football training every day.

But if you go to one game or run in a tournament, then why not?

— What position do you usually play?

— Actually, I’m a striker.

Moreover, it’s scoring.

I like it, it's less useful to protect me.

— Which RPL players would you like to play with in attack?

— At that tournament for Dynamo, I liked the combination with Konstantin Tyukavin and Fedor Smolov.

I even almost scored a goal.

But at the last moment he hit the goalkeeper too hard.

— The footballers didn’t say anything about this?

“They were very surprised: “Where are you hitting like that?

Just a little bit in the corner”



— And in the gymnastics team, who plays football best?

— Our doctor is Sergei Sergeevich Gulevsky.

He is a former player himself, and then worked a lot in this sport.

The doctor probably instilled in us a love of football.

In the summer, in good weather, in the evening or between training sessions, we spend time on the court. 

Doc is the best player and the main instigator.

And among the gymnasts, I, Nikita Nagorny and David Belyavsky love football the most.

Everyone else has to be forced a little.

They talk about fatigue and various pains.

They come up with excuses.

And we approach this with joy and enthusiasm.

In addition, before each gymnastics training we warm up with a ball.

This is also a certain fetish for us.

  • AP

  • © Natacha Pisarenko