Amadeu Garcia

Updated Wednesday, January 24, 2024-21:42



Girona 's smile with a


of the pen.

A spectacular first half was enough for

the team led by

Javier Aguirre , with


as the first scorer and


signing a scoring double, to end the


dream of


's team , who perhaps paid dearly for their intention to compete without losing from the League's point of view.

The expulsion of


after a penalty that


would transform into 3-1 in the second half, forced the locals to grit their teeth and fight in defense.

But his effort, despite the 3-2 score scored by


in added time, earned them a return to the Cup semi-finals 15 years after their last presence.

The Mallorcan team left the tie to be decided in a first half in which they overcame Girona, leader of the First Division.

His start, signing a clear goal action even before the first minute was up, was a clear example of what was going to be the tone of the first

45 minutes


It was of no use to the Girona team to try to fight back just a few moments later.

The one who was in their almost always implacable shoes was on this occasion the island team.

Cyle Larin

gave the first blow of the afternoon, taking advantage of a good run on the wing by

Dani Rodríguez

to make the score 1-0 a few moments after the clock marked the first 20 minutes of the match.

The Girona response, born in Savinho's boots five minutes later, was answered by a great save from


that, in the end, would be the prelude to 2-0.

Abdón Prats

, after passing through the balcony of the area, took a

tremendous left-footed shot

out of his hat that made

Juan Carlos

's effort to try to save him useless.

Abdón himself, when the first half was approaching its final stretch, made it 3-0 by converting a penalty due to Antal's handball punished only after the intervention of the VAR.

Míchel looked for a boost by bringing on



Yan Couto

, starting substitutes.

The first visitor to test Greif after the restart, however, would be

Aleix García


It was the first warning of the trickle of arrivals that a Girona team would sign that, despite their efforts, had not yet found a way to really worry Mallorca's always orderly defense.

For Aguirre's team, in fact, it was enough and more than enough for them to

defend the loot

they had achieved in their dazzling first 45 minutes.

The duel, however, would turn around with Raíllo's penalty on


The center back saw two consecutive yellow cards and the Uruguayan scored 3-1.

With superiority, and urged by the urgency, Míchel's men redoubled their harassment of Grief's area, but they crashed again and again against a completely Numantine defense that, in the end, only Savinho could break to score an insufficient 3-2 .