The Russian Jumping Championship became the highlight of January in figure skating.

It opened up a number of new names to the general public, which immediately found themselves at the center of discussions both on social networks and in the media.

First of all, we are talking about the confrontation between two young stars Margarita Bazylyuk and Elena Kostyleva, who amazed the audience in Moscow with their gorgeous quadruple jumps.

Back in 2021, both girls trained at Khrustalny under the leadership of Eteri Tutberidze, but then Kostyleva left the group with a scandal, to which, as her mother Irina claimed, Bazylyuk was also involved.

According to her, Tutberidze saw Elena taking two yogurts out of the dining room and began to scold her for it.

Margarita allegedly asked the skater to bring the second glass of dessert, but did not admit this to the coach, and she kicked Kostyleva out of the group for violating discipline.

This was already the second expulsion of the figure skater from Khrustalny - before that, cooperation with her was stopped due to tackles from another specialist.

Over the past years, Bazylyuk has repeatedly stated that she has nothing to do with the conflict and did not ask Elena for any delicacy.

And now, when 12-year-old athletes entered competitions of such a high rank as the national championship for the first time, the old story again became the subject of discussion.

Thus, Irina Kostyleva, recalling the events of almost three years ago, again confirmed her version of what happened.

“You know, if we’re talking about the situation with yogurt, then I’ll just say that Margarita deserved it.

She cleared her way in this group by removing a beautiful, talented, jumping girl.

God sees everything and will put everything in its place,” the skater’s mother said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Kostyleva Sr. also recalled the details of her first departure from the group, but at the same time emphasized that she had no grudge against Tutberidze, despite the coach’s harshness towards her.

“I love her very much and respect her as a great coach.

I wanted Lena to train with her, to step over herself in order to come to her a second time.

Although we were not to blame for being kicked out <...> And when we came to Khrustalny for the second time, Eteri Georgievna said to my husband: “Your wife should fall at my feet and beg for me to bring you back.”

In the hall, in front of all the parents!

I never understood why.

Brought such a girl!”

- said Irina.

One way or another, the confrontation between Bazylyuk and Kostylev against the backdrop of all these ups and downs looks more and more fundamental.

At the jumping championship, Elena lost twice to Margarita, both in the individual and in the team tournament, and it was her two painful falls that dashed all the “Reds” hopes for first place.

Fortunately, for the girl there were no serious injuries, and on January 22 she returned to the ice.

Moreover, she not only resumed training, but also repeated a cascade of two quadruple Salchows through an oiler, which her opponent playfully demonstrated after her victory at the Chechen Championship.

An unambiguous hint to Margarita on the eve of the Russian Junior Championships, which will be held from February 5 to 9 in Saransk.

Meanwhile, this unique cascade performed by Bazylyuk attracted special attention overseas.

But if he delighted the majority of ordinary figure skating fans, then the famous blogger Dave Lees, known for his frequent criticism of Tutberidze, in his own manner went through Margarita’s achievement.

He called this sight disgusting and wondered how excessive stress would affect the figure skater’s health after the end of her sports career.

He cited as an example another student of Khrustalny, Evgenia Medvedeva, who, according to him, now has huge back problems.

These arguments outraged Tatyana Tarasova, who, on the contrary, highly appreciated Margarita’s jumps.

“How does he know this, why does he write this?

We know everything perfectly well, we have been working with children for a long time.

They don't have children like us.

Since they were four years old, they have been doing, including strength training.

Whether it’s an American or someone else who writes this, it doesn’t matter,” said the renowned coach.

In turn, Natalya Bestemyanova noted that Liz’s reaction only emphasizes world interest in Russian figure skating.

“I think everyone watched the jumping tournament and was shocked.

Bazylyuk will not have problems with her bones due to jumping; she is well coordinated and masters the material well.

The girl is talented, fantastic,” said the Olympic champion in ice dancing.