Amadeu García Barcelona


Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-14:48

Although a few days have passed since the controversy unleashed in the

Real Madrid-Almería


and despite the

fact that





«I wouldn't talk about the controversy if you didn't ask me, but I think it's time to give my opinion, about the feelings I've had.

I don't want to fuel the controversy.

You have seen it and you have heard it, and, from here, it is about analyzing what happened, and we will all agree.

What I prefer is to focus on football.

It's time to talk about football, at least, for Barça.

The news is in Madrid

», stated the Barça coach.

To know more


Reasons for a constant refereeing ordeal: Negreira, VAR, audios, videos, complaints, two 'retirements'...

  • Editor: ABRAHAM P. ROMERO Madrid

Reasons for a constant refereeing ordeal: Negreira, VAR, audios, videos, complaints, two 'retirements'...


They leak a controversial audio from the VAR of Madrid - Almería: "Vinicius braces and hits him in the face"


They leak a controversial audio from the VAR of Madrid - Almería: "Vinicius braces and hits him in the face"

«I believe in the honesty of the referees, but

I don't like the pressures they have


The controversy is not in me, it is in Madrid, in Madrid-Almería, not in me.

"I only gave my opinion," insisted the Barcelona coach, in reference to some videos broadcast by Real Madrid TV.

«Whether or not they feel conditioned by the videos, by pressure, is something that the Federation and the referees must respond to.

Now they are finally holding press conferences.

Ask them, I can't answer.

And the Federation, the same.

I answer things out of politeness and

then you hit me with shit


The controversy is in Madrid, I give my opinion, I prefer to talk about the game, but you don't ask me about that.

I am not the Federation, nor the referee, but I see things, and I say them.

My opinion is in the newspaper archive.

Pull it », stressed Xavi who, in turn, tried to take down a new video broadcast on the official television of the Madrid entity in which he attacked his career.

«I have always respected Madrid, I have never intended to disrespect anyone, and,

if I have, I have lost forgiveness


I don't like wars, I am for peace


I respect everything, videos, memes, and I take it with humor.

"There is no problem," said Xavi who, on the other hand, seemed to send a veiled reference to a supposed control over the media that he lacks.


I don't control the press, I don't, maybe other people do

, but I don't.

Talk about what you want.

And look at the shit I'm getting, I have no friends in this world, I'm dedicated to football.

Out of politeness, I give my opinion, but I don't like controversy, and I am not the focus," said the Barça coach, who admitted, on the other hand, that they continue trying to change the way in which both he and his


live the games from the bench.

«Honestly, we aim to be calm in each game, but it is difficult, and after 10 minutes we are already living it with passion.

We have to restrain ourselves, it's clear," he admitted.

As for how everything that happened will have affected his players, the coach assured that the effect could be positive.

"I hope that it affects them in a positive way, to see that it

is going to be very difficult for us to win this competition

and that all the anger, anger comes out, to compete better, nothing more," added Xavi who, on the other hand, resists throw in the towel in the League, no matter how difficult things seem to be.

«The celebration of the victory the other day at Villamarín is not indicative of ruling out anything.

It's difficult, you have to be realistic, but I am a positive realist.

We have 18 games left and we have to go for it.

Last year, Madrid came nine points behind, there were 12 games left, and there was a League.

How can there not be now? », he harangued.

First, however, they must face a Cup tie against Athletic that they expect will be very tough, both because of the rival and because of the stage.


It's a heads or tails

, one of the two will be left out.

"We have to be with all five senses and compete in the best possible way, because we are playing for a title," stressed the Barcelona coach, who recovers both

Andreas Christensen


Joao Cancelo

for this duel .

"They are fine, surely both will have a lot of minutes, perhaps not both as starters, but they are ready to play," explained the coach, who has already resigned himself, on the other hand, to the fact that there will be no more news in the squad before the The winter market closes next week.

«It is very difficult, due to the situation we have.

We have to focus on who we are and compete until the end


I don't think there is anything new," said the Barça coach.