“It was so cool that it was simply mesmerizing”

The team competitions at the Russian Jumping Championship left no one indifferent.

The teams of Dmitry Kozlovsky and Alexander Gallyamov fought for victory until the last, and determined the strongest only based on the results of the final round.

And the audience witnessed a huge number of complex and beautiful elements.

It is not surprising that the captains were delighted with the competition.

Thus, the head of the “blues” Kozlovsky called them integral and consistent.

“The most important thing was present - tension until the last round.

We understood perfectly well that we had a chance to win, we thought through a good performance strategy, and bet on the last round, fielding our strongest athletes.

It paid off,” said the skater.

Answering the question about the team's MVP, Kozlovsky singled out young Lev Lazarev and Margarita Bazylyuk.

And this is absolutely fair, because the 12-year-old girl, who sensationally took gold in the women's championship the day before, significantly replenished the total piggy bank.

The boy had to perform last, but he managed.

“It was so cool that it was simply mesmerizing.

They went out and did everything so calmly.

Margarita is confident in herself, she has no doubts.

And Lev had the difficult role of closing our team’s performance.

I think he heard the scores perfectly well, understood what depended on him, but he went out, pulled himself together and did everything to the maximum,” the captain added.

He also noted the Reds who suffered a disappointing defeat.

According to him, they did everything to keep the intrigue going until the very end.

“The guys worked, strained themselves and gave us absolutely no hope that the tournament would be as easy and stress-free as possible.

It seems to me that this formed a single, integral perception, which was accompanied by a real competitive spirit,” the skater emphasized.

True, after one of the jumps he himself had questions for Adelia Petrosyan.

He even asked the judges to watch the replay to see if there was any under-rotation.

In the end, they agreed with the athlete.

Finally, Dmitry couldn’t help but be asked about his quadruple throws together with Alexandra Boykova.

He admitted that the initiative in this case came from her.

According to the skater, this element is too dangerous, and only the partner should decide whether she is ready to take the risk.

At the same time, he complained about its low “cost”.

“Because it’s a health risk and you shouldn’t do it.

This is how the ISU explains it in particular, and many people talk about it, including my former coach: these elements cannot be performed.

But there is also a downside.

We only do them for one hour at this tournament.

At 9:30 in the morning, Sasha came out and performed a quadruple throw.

I didn’t kill myself, I got up normally.

At the team event, she fell twice from this throw, got up, went for the third - there is nothing like that here.

The question is whether the athlete can or not.

There is such an artificial limitation.

It's as if in tennis they banned serves over 150 km/h because you could tear your shoulder.

The same thing,” Kozlovsky concluded.

“Dimon, it was epic.

Let me give you a tactful hug."

But his counterpart Gallyamov, despite the final defeat, attracted even more attention at the press conference than his colleague.

Having sat down at the table, he unexpectedly performed a hip-hop composition about the tournament.

“Thank you to the authorities for the event, 

Thank you to everyone who was on the ice,

Thank you for the opening tournament,

There are no words at all, I can’t

say how cool it was - 

Watch and jump, tear your forelock, 

Write in the Cart, which is not very safe, 

Remaining just one thing to say.

Guys, I won't come now,

Dimon, it was epic.

Let me give you a tactful hug."

Kozlovsky, who was sitting next to him, was immediately asked to evaluate his colleague’s performance, but he, a little embarrassed, declared that he loved other music.

“I’m sure it’s definitely not mine.

Since I am not very versed in this culture, it is difficult for me to evaluate, if not impossible.

It’s one thing to listen, another thing to be on topic.

You understand this, you are interested, you understand how this music is created and changes.

“I’m just a free listener, I don’t know the details,” the athlete answered.

But the captains completely agreed on their assessment of the championship.

Gallyamov also noted the intrigue that reigned until the last round.

“At the previous Russian championship it was quite difficult to predict how everyone would jump this cascade of five jumps; it’s difficult to perform, as a former singles skater I can say.

A really enjoyable tournament, being the captain of the team is a great honor, it was a shame that Elena Kostyleva had such a fall, I hope everything will be fine for her,” said Gallyamov.

He even jokingly rejoiced for his opponents, recalling that previously only the Reds had the upper hand in the competition, and now their hegemony has been interrupted.

From a musical point of view, Gallyamov attracted attention even on the ice, when during his skate with Anastasia Mishina, a track by the famous musician Pharaon began to play.

According to the skater, he himself asked the DJ to turn it on.

“He had a concert yesterday, I didn’t go to perform today, in the evening I decided that I’d better rest peacefully.

I’d rather skate myself and let him play for the whole arena.

I think Nastya will be happy to become captain next time, the girls helped put sweaters on the guys, next time we’ll help them too,” Alexander joked.

The only small fly in the ointment was a misunderstanding regarding the regulations.

In the fourth round, where cascades were performed, Arseny Fedotov and Sofia Muravyova made two combinations with an axel instead of one, as a result of which they lost points.

“The criteria were almost the same last year and this year, it’s a pity that not everyone followed the regulations... Everyone did well, everyone tried, it’s difficult to single out anyone.

It’s a shame that the girls weren’t able to open up a little, I think they’ll prepare better for the next championship, they’ll know the rules so as not to make mistakes.

I praised and congratulated everyone,” he emphasized.

Questions were also raised by the lack of familiar names for the groups.

According to media reports, they initially received the names “Flame Ice” and “North Wind”, but in the end the organizers abandoned this idea for unknown reasons.

“I personally had thoughts on names, but before the start we were told: there will be teams of Gallyamov and Kozlovsky.

I was a little surprised, because at another team tournament there were names - “Red Machine”, “Time of the First”.

I thought it would be the same here,” Gallyamov added.

“On the replay we saw her arm arch.”

Unfortunately, after the end of the championship they discussed not only the beautiful jumps, but also Kostyleva’s brutal fall.

She fell off a quad Salchow and hit her elbow hard.

The girl drove up to the coach in tears, and her joint was immediately frozen.

Despite what had happened, she made another attempt, but again was unsuccessful.

As a result, Elena received only 7.8 points, which did not allow the Reds to win.

At the end of the tournament, not only Gallyamov, but also the captain of the opponents, Kozlovsky, wished her health.

“At the very end there was a very unpleasant emotion associated with worries about Lena Kostyleva, who showed a stable and high level of performance and reliability of the elements.

But something didn’t work out, especially in the moment when she fell heavily.

On the replay we saw how her arm arched, and, of course, in reality it was as intense as possible,” the skater complained.

However, serious injury appears to have been avoided.

In the evening, a message appeared on the athlete’s page on social networks that she escaped with a bruise.

A little earlier, her mother said that her daughter had not yet been examined.

The most experienced Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, who in the second round fell from the lutz and made a blot on the exit flip, also failed to please.

“It worked better on the show.

Really exciting.

This is not exactly a comeback - I think it will be much more successful than these attempts.

But it’s still cool to be here and feel the competitive adrenaline,” the Empress complained.

The audience was still pleased with the figure skater’s appearance and greeted her appearance on the ice with a standing ovation.

This was also noted by Tatyana Tarasova, who commented on the competition.

“She had a little mistake.

Still, Lisa’s participation is very important for everyone.

The audience was delighted when her name was announced.

I was glad to see her.

Is it possible to recover a triple axel in a couple of weeks?

Apparently, no, she didn’t show it,” the honored coach assessed.

In addition, it later turned out that her leg injury prevented her from preparing properly.

“Lisa accidentally fell off the lutz, and this is her “crown.”

When she decided to prepare for the tournament, she trained hard.

At the last moment, a minor injury prevented her.

She didn’t go to skate a program, she knew what she would do.

The fall is offensive, but accidental.

Lisa wants to participate, she still has the competitive spirit of fighting,” said one of her coaches, Tatyana Mishina.

Meanwhile, another famous singles skater Kamila Valieva tried her hand at journalism.

Initially, she was supposed to participate in the championship, but refused.

But during the championship days, she interviewed Nikita Nagorny, Vic Wild and Maria Lasitskene for Channel One.

In particular, the Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics admitted in a conversation with her that he follows figure skating with interest.

“It’s a great honor to be present at a tournament that has become more like a show program, but at the same time attracts spectators.

As an athlete, I am very curious when it is possible to divide the sport into interesting moments and hold a jumping championship.

Do I have any favorites in figure skating?


I will not say!"

- he noted.

Valieva not only communicated with colleagues, but was also the host of the competition.

It is curious that her work was highly appreciated even by former figure skater Lina Fedorova, who after her career went into journalism.

“She is a great presenter and speaker and I love the way she works with the microphone.

And there’s definitely no need to compare her with me or professional presenters; I still graduated from the Faculty of Journalism while the girls were learning quadruples and winning medals for the country,” Fedorova noted.