
Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-09:28

  • Traffic Certificate now has its standard to put an end to 'bad scooters'

  • Transport Final goodbye to electric scooters on Renfe, Ouigo and Iryo trains

Personal mobility vehicles (VMP) - among them, the popular electric scooters - that are sold starting

this Monday, January 22,

will need a certificate that guarantees compliance with the technical requirements required by Spanish and international regulations.

Those that have been marketed until this Sunday may circulate until January 22, 2027

even if they do not have the circulation certificate.

From then on, only those that are certified can be used.

To know more


Electric scooter circulation certificate: how to request it and what happens if I don't have it

  • Editor: HA

Electric scooter circulation certificate: how to request it and what happens if I don't have it

This is established by the

Manual of characteristics of personal mobility vehicles

, prepared by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) and published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on January 21, 2022. With this document, Traffic intends to ensure road safety,

the protection of the driver of this type of vehicle and that of other road users

, and guarantee that the VMPs that are put on the market have minimum quality and durability guarantees required.

To clarify things, it is recommended to consult the web address

It shows the

brands and models that have already been certified and that meet all the requirements

set out in the aforementioned manual.

What is a VMP?

A VMP is a vehicle with one or more wheels with

a single seat and powered exclusively by electric motors

(batteries up to 100 VDC and with an integrated charger of up to 240 VAC input) that can provide the vehicle with a maximum design speed comprised between 6 and 25 km/h and can only be equipped with a seat or saddle if they are equipped with self-balancing systems.

This definition excludes vehicles for people with reduced mobility, toys, pedal-assisted bicycles and vehicles classified as 'L' according to EU Regulation 168/2013.

The VMPs, being self-propelled exclusively by an electric motor, have the 'Zero' emissions environmental classification and are exempt from having it visible.

The circulation of these vehicles

is prohibited on crossroads, interurban roads and highways and expressways, as well as through urban tunnels.

They also cannot go on sidewalks in urban areas


As they are considered vehicles for all purposes, their drivers are obliged to comply with traffic rules, like everyone else.


The maximum speed at which VMPs can circulate is 25km/h

, when the engine will stop propelling the vehicle.

In addition, it will have anti-manipulation systems for both speed and power.

These vehicles must have a visible information indicator that shows the speed at which they are going and the battery level.

All vehicles intended for personal transportation must have

two independent brakes

, with a minimum deceleration of 3.5 m/s2.

In addition, those with more than two wheels must have a parking brake.

Personal mobility vehicles must be equipped with front (white) reflectors, on both sides (white or auto yellow) and rear (red).

The brake light must be differentiated or combined with the rear light.

The acoustic warning is mandatory for all types of VMP and in the case of goods or other services they must also have a reversing warning.

With the aim of avoiding fallen VMPs in the middle of the streets and maintaining a certain order in cities, it has been established that it is mandatory for personal mobility vehicles with less than three wheels to have a stabilization system consisting of a

leg. side stand or center stand while parked


The manual establishes

the minimum established diameter of the wheels at 203.2 millimeters

, which must have a rough surface so as to allow grip on the ground.

Under no circumstances will the use of smooth tires be permitted.

The VMP must have a double security system so that they remain well coupled while being carried and prevent involuntary openings.

All VMPs must have a unique, permanent, legible and clearly visible factory marking with information on the maximum speed, serial number, certificate number, year of construction and make and model.

They will also have to have a space on the back of it to carry an

identification or registration tag
