Watch Bianca Salming talk about switching back to all-around

Personal record in hurdles, second longest long jump of his career, a really good shot put and a personal record.

Bianca Salming's comeback as an all-rounder was successful when she won the indoor WC in Sollentuna.

- I had high hopes before, because it has felt very good.

But I'm very happy that it went so well in my weaker branches, hurdles and long, that I really saw a development there, she says.

Salming talks about the process of switching back to all-around after the high jump effort.

- There was something in me that was missing from the other branches.

It wasn't until the first of November that I sat and almost cried and just 'no, I have to go back, I think it's too much fun.

Does not rule out high jump: "Special situation"

She believes that the time when she focused solely on high jump gave her something as an all-rounder as well.

- For six months, I have only had to train legs and strength.

I have had to strengthen all smaller muscle groups and have been very specific.

It makes me feel a lot faster today and it shows in the distance and in the hurdles.

I truly believe that there is a meaning to everything.

Now she sees herself as an all-rounder again, but if it fits in the program, there may be a high jump competition during the summer as well.

- Of course I have a plan and a goal for the season.

Indoors, I want to build on this result and I'm trying to qualify for the indoor WC.

I am in a special situation where I am at zero ranking points so I will compete very early in the outdoor season and try to be at the EC.

Then, of course, the Olympics are my big goal.

See the Salming gene in SVT Play.

SEE ALSO: Bianca Salming on the inspiration from father Börje

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Bianca Salming on the inspiration from father Börje (from Salminggenen SVT Play) Photo: SVT