Efe Soria


Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-16:24

The Castellón athlete

Alba Cebrián Chiva , who defended the colors of the

Celtíberas de Soria

athletics club ,

died this Monday in the ICU of the La Plana hospital in Villarreal, after suffering a cardiac arrest last Thursday while training on the Vall athletics track. dUxo.

Cebrián, 23 years old

and from Les Alqueries, has been defending the Celtíberas de Soria Athletics Club, in the honor division, for three years in the 3,000 meter hurdles, his specialty, and in the 1,500 meters.

"All of us who are part of the Celtíberas de Soria Athletics Club

are devastated

to have to announce the death of our colleague Alba Cebrián Chiva. We join her entire family in these painful moments. We will always remember you Alba," the club wrote in social networks.

The Soria City Council

has also joined the pain of his family

, friends and companions of "strides" and has conveyed a "heartfelt hug" to the Celtiberians who "we know will keep his memory alive forever."

The athlete suffered a

cardiac arrest last Thursday

when she was doing series on the Vall deUxo athletics tracks.

A doctor who was near the athletics track was the first to attend to the young athlete, on whom he

performed a cardiac massage

until the SAMU ambulance arrived, whose medical team continued with advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other life support techniques. .

The resuscitation work bore fruit and they managed to reverse the stoppage, transferring the

young athlete to the La Plana hospital

where she remained hospitalized for the last few days in very serious condition, until the fatal outcome.