It was during yesterday's giant slalom World Cup event in Jasná that Petra Vlhova crashed hard just seconds into the first run in front of the Slovakian home fans – less than two miles from where Vlhova grew up.

The star was carried down the hill in a sled after a long break, but waved to the thousands of fans as they reached the goal line.

- I am so sorry for Petra's sake, said the winner Sara Hector afterwards.

Vlhova was taken to hospital and there it was determined that she will miss the rest of the season due to ligament damage in her right knee.

“Thank you for all the support.

I am sure that I can handle this situation," writes Vlhova in a statement.

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Watch Pernilla Wiberg point out the crucial details behind Sara Hector's success.

Photo: Bildbyrån