China News Service, Baisha, Hainan, January 19th: Visiting the Hainan Winter Training Ground of the National Archery Team, artificial intelligence is used to assist athletes for the first time

  Reporter Wang Xiaobin Chen Yingqing

  In preparation for events such as the Paris Olympics, the national archery team and other "nationally renowned" teams are conducting winter training in Hainan.

The reporter recently visited the National Sports Training Southern Base (Hainan Baisha Comprehensive) and learned that in order to ensure the high-level competitive status of the players, a multi-professional team including physical fitness, medical care, psychology, etc. was also present.

The team uses technological means such as artificial intelligence and introduces psychological courses such as mindfulness meditation to assist athletes in improving their performance.

At the National Sports Training Southern Base (Baisha Comprehensive, Hainan), national archery team athletes are training.

Photo by China News Network reporter Wang Xiaobin

  This winter, the national archery team is divided into red and yellow teams for training in Baisha and Haikou respectively.

The home ground of the red team's winter training is located at the standard track and field field of Baisha Cultural and Sports Center.

The reporter noticed that there are three different sets of shooting ranges installed in the track and field. In addition to the regular training range, there is also a shooting range with a final stage, and a technical analysis range equipped with cameras, large screens and other equipment.

  When the reporter visited, the red team was holding an intra-team ranking competition.

Athletes lined up in the shooting line, shooting six arrows in a round to compare their accuracy in hitting the target.

According to Wang Fei, leader of the red team, the winter training is designed to enhance the team members' basic physical fitness and hone their basic technical abilities to prepare for several trials to be held this year, as well as three Archery World Cup competitions and the Paris Olympic Games.

At the National Sports Training Southern Base (Hainan Baisha·Comprehensive), the red team of the national archery team is conducting an intra-team competition.

Photo by China News Network reporter Wang Xiaobin

  "My shortcomings lie in my inconsistent control of details, and my cardiopulmonary function needs to be further improved in terms of physical fitness." Xu Zhiyun, a member of the national archery team, said that during this winter training, he will carry out relevant exercises in a targeted manner in order to make up for his shortcomings and strengthen his advantages. .

"It is said that actors are like 'one minute on stage, ten years off stage'. We shoot one arrow on the field, but we have to shoot thousands of arrows on the training field." Xu Zhiyun said, on a single training day, we shoot five or six arrows. Hundreds of arrows are the norm.

  It is understood that most recurve bows used by athletes weigh around 40 pounds.

The force required to pull this bow is similar to using three fingers to lift a 40-pound bucket.

For archery, the bow needs to remain stable after firing in order to aim at the bullseye 70 meters away.

When aiming the bow, the thumb of the athlete's string-drawing hand will touch the chin. Some players put band-aids on their chins to prevent the skin from being worn by frequent movements.

At the National Sports Training Southern Base (Hainan Baisha Comprehensive), the coaching team of the national archery team was commenting on the training performance of the athletes that day.

Photo by China News Network reporter Wang Xiaobin

  "Our winter training is a combination of training and competition. In addition to regular training, we also hold regular ranking competitions and knockout competitions." Deng Chengcai, the coach of the red team, said that archery is an accuracy competition, and athletes' psychological stress resistance is often improved in competitions. Therefore, in addition to the game atmosphere that can be felt everywhere, winter training also offers courses such as mindfulness meditation. The full-time psychological teachers of the composite team also tailor personalized services for athletes to help shooters improve their concentration and ability to withstand stress.

  At the technical analysis shooting range, multiple high-definition, high-frame-rate cameras are distributed around and above the launch position. Athletes do not need to wear any markers or sensors, and can complete data collection by shooting the bow and arrow normally.

National Sports Training Southern Base (Baisha Comprehensive, Hainan), national archery team athletes practice at the technical analysis range.

Photo by China News Network reporter Wang Xiaobin

  Xiu Yu, the leader of the action technology analysis team, said that there are two sets of equipment on site to assist in analyzing the athletes' technical actions, and a delayed photography system performs multi-angle real-time playback of the athletes' technical actions.

Another set of motion capture systems has built-in artificial intelligence that automatically records data on the range of motion of the athlete's head, shoulders, arms and other parts when shooting. Each time an athlete shoots an arrow, more than 10,000 data can be generated.

After these data are processed by artificial intelligence and technical personnel, a report is formed and submitted to the coaching team.

  Xiu Yu said that this is the first time that the artificial intelligence motion capture system has been used in the winter training of the national archery team. In the past, motion recognition was performed through infrared cameras and punctuation points. Infrared recognition first required punctuation on the athletes, which would affect the performance of some special technical movements of the athletes. , while infrared will be affected by weather, humidity, temperature, etc., while artificial intelligence directly analyzes high-definition video, and the resulting data is more accurate.

At the National Sports Training Southern Base (Baisha Comprehensive, Hainan), after a round of archery, athletes check the target.

Photo by China News Network reporter Wang Xiaobin

  "The report of the technical analysis system showed that one of my moves had changed. I paid special attention to this change when I played in the ranking match today, and the result was a good performance." said team member Feng Hao.

  "Currently, our progress is within the expected range. Athletes have achieved varying degrees of self-breakthrough." Deng Chengcai revealed that in training and team competitions, some athletes have achieved results that exceed domestic records and continue to train to maintain their current good performance. Status that will help the archer "arrow" towards Paris.
