Martin Ponsiluoma missed the World Cup premiere in Idre.

This when he overloaded the hip region and got a feeling.

The Swedish star has previously been hampered by the injury but is clear that he has no problems today.

- It has gotten better and better with each competition.

Now I am not affected by it, it is mostly in tight curves, he tells SVT Sport.

The 28-year-old is now developing for the first time how difficult the period was.

- It was incredibly difficult.

It was an inflammation where the whole lower torso was broken out and it hurt like hell.

My groin tightened and I got acupuncture, it was the worst thing I've ever been through.

Then covid hit, Ponsiluoma describes it as a rescue as he couldn't train for several days and the inflammation subsided.

- I can feel that I'm in a little pain.

We don't know what it is and we will have to investigate that during the season.

"Could be a small operation"

What measures may you need to take?


We don't know what it really is.

But it may be a small operation, I hope we find something because I want to train well.

I don't think it will be a big deal.

Then you go in to figure out what it is?

- We have to meet someone who can check it.

If they go in or how we go about it.