Sebastian Samuelsson had a hard day in the fog in Antholz.

Two misses were immediately followed by three more misses in the second shooting and the hopes of a good result disappeared.

The rest of the competition was a tough story for the 26-year-old – who made two further misses – and ended up far behind.

In total there were seven hurdles and Samuelsson was a full six minutes behind the victorious Johannes Thingnes Bö.

- It is very bad.

I am not satisfied at all.

I struggle and really want to but I can't get it right.

It's just to realize, I have a job to do before the WC, he says.

How was it on the embankment?

- I know that it matters a lot and I really want to put the shots.

I'm trying but I don't know if I'm trying too hard because I'm not getting any flow at all.

With the WC a little more than two weeks away, Samuelsson wants to find his form again, and he thinks the time left is sufficient.

- I am often good at letting go and moving on and I always perform at my best at championships.

But are you feeling frustrated?

- I will start now, absolutely.

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Johannes Thingnes Bö crushed the opposition in Antholz - see the star's performance Photo: SVT