The news that a narcotic substance was found in Nikita Kurbanov’s body shocked the fans.

The ex-captain of CSKA has always been considered a role model, a professional to the core and has never gotten into scandals.

However, RUSADA notified the basketball player of using cocaine and his three-month disqualification.

“The Commission for the preliminary review of cases of violations of anti-doping rules of the RAA RUSADA decided to disqualify the athlete Nikita Kurbanov (sport - basketball) for 3 months for the violation provided for in clause 4.1 of the All-Russian Anti-Doping Rules, starting from the date of the decision, namely January 10, 2024 year, with credit for the time served for the temporary suspension, namely from October 20, 2023,” says the organization’s website.

Thus, the forward can return to the floor as early as January 20, since he missed almost the entire specified period.

RUSADA also noted that he was able to prove that he took the drug out of competition and that it was not related to sports activities.

“Since the athlete provided detailed explanations and evidence and was completely open to cooperation, a decision was made to disqualify him for 3 months with credit for the time served during the temporary suspension,” the agency concluded.

Back in October, Kurbanov unexpectedly suspended his career for personal reasons.

The player himself and the club then refused to name the reasons for what happened.

The athlete himself issued an apology through the official CSKA website.

He thanked everyone for their support, considered his behavior unworthy and accepted responsibility for his own actions.

“I really appreciate the trust that the club and fans have shown me for many years.

I always considered it a great honor to play for CSKA and especially to be the captain of the team.

In any situation, he gave 100% for the sake of the team result and to the joy of the entire army of fans of the club.

The most important thing for me now is to return to the game and my favorite profession.

I will make every effort to get back on the floor as soon as possible,” said the striker. 

The athlete’s agent Sergei Tarakanov admitted that he did not talk to him about the suspension, but expressed confidence that we were talking about a “one-time experiment.”

“This is a problem and a disaster.

<…> I’m sure this is not Nikita’s habit, I’ve known him for a long time and well.

You could call it an accident.

I myself am shocked by this news,” Sport-Express quotes Tarakanov.

Moreover, according to the basketball player’s representative, he is not going to hang up his sneakers and plans to continue his career.

According to him, he is already actively training and wants to return to the court this season.

However, it is not yet clear whether this will happen as part of CSKA.

Based on the scandal that broke out, the army team made an official statement.

The president of the team, Andrei Vatutin, admitted that the red-blues provided RUSADA with full assistance during the investigation.

“Prior to receiving the final verdict, we did not have the right to comment on the situation and discuss possible actions of the club.

Today, like everyone else, we saw the official document, and we need time to discuss the situation and then make an informed decision about Nikita Kurbanov’s future at CSKA,” he said.

The head also emphasized that the club strongly condemns such an act, but recalled the enormous benefits that the athlete brought to the team over many years of performances.

“He made a mistake, let down the club, partners and fans <...> CSKA teammates of different years, including the stars of the Euroleague and the Russian national team, always noted his work ethic, professionalism, desire to make every effort to win, ability to sacrifice personal ambitions for success team, excellent communication skills.

Every single CSKA coach was delighted with working with Kurbanov.

Nikita is a person you can rely on in the most difficult moments.

This is our legend.

I have no doubt that what happened will be additional motivation for him to become better and correct his reputation,” added Vatutin.

At the same time, he promised to resolve the issue of the striker's future by the end of the month after consultations with the owners and sponsors.

And the famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin has practically ruled out the possibility of initiating a criminal case against the man for drug use.

According to him, there is simply no criminal liability for this, only administrative liability, up to and including arrest.

But even so, the basketball player is unlikely to be punished.

“They can register with a drug dispensary, which does not have the best effect on your future biography.

In addition, criminal proceedings are often initiated for the sale of narcotic drugs.

If cocaine remains are found in a person’s blood, it means he bought it somewhere.

Then everything will depend on the testimony of the defendant.

If he doesn’t incriminate himself and concludes an agreement with a competent lawyer on time, then the most unpleasant thing that can happen to him is administrative liability; it’s unlikely to be arrest and registration at a drug dispensary,” Zhorin explained.

The situation with Kurbanov caused a serious resonance also for the reason that he is a legend of domestic basketball and CSKA.

The forward was never famous for his high performance, but he did a huge amount of grunt work on the floor, fought to the last in every episode and acted usefully in defense.

In fact, despite all the stars, he was the cornerstone of the army team.

He made his debut with them back in the 2004/05 season and quickly became one of the leaders.

Together with the red and blue, the striker won a large number of trophies, including the Euroleague three times.

He also became the champion of the VTB United League seven times and won gold medals at the national championship 11 times.

At the same time, Nikita did not spend his entire career at CSKA.

He defended the colors of Lokomotiv-Rostov, UNICS, Spartak St. Petersburg and Lokomotiv-Kuban.

With Krasnodar, he even reached the semi-finals of the VTB United League.

The all-rounder also benefited the Russian national team.

For example, in 2005 he won the EuroBasket Youth Championship.

And together with the adult national team, he took part in the 2009 European Championship and the 2019 Planet Championship.

In 2021, the veteran announced his retirement from his international career.

According to experts, the current situation should not put an end to Kurbanov’s performances.

Thus, two-time World Cup medalist Vitaly Nosov recalled that the basketball player has always been considered an example.

“Kurbanov did a lot for CSKA and the Russian national team.

And he brought considerable benefits to Lokomotiv.

He has always been a role model.

The children were looking at Nikita.

One wrong step can ruin your life.

Therefore, I don’t want to throw mud at him and throw stones.

You know, anyone has the right to make a mistake.

Yes, Nikita really stumbled.

Apparently, at a certain moment he entered the wrong door.

I think the basketball player will draw the right conclusions.

I hope that CSKA will give him a chance and continue to let him out on the floor after his disqualification ends,” he said in a commentary for RT.

And Honored Coach of Russia Stanislav Eremin even called Kurbanov one of the best basketball players in the country.

“He always aroused my sympathy both as a player and with his human qualities.

He must have gotten lost somewhere: sometimes big money leads to the wrong path.

But I hope this situation will serve as a lesson for him.

Since this happened, serious conclusions must be drawn.

I worry about Nikita both personally and in sporting terms.

God grant that he draws the right conclusions for himself.

I think he’s still capable of playing for a couple of years,” the Match TV specialist quotes.

Another famous mentor, Sergei Elevich, admitted that this news killed him morally.

He expressed the hope that the scandal will only make the athlete stronger, and he will continue to help CSKA.

“I have known Nikita for a long time, there have never been any questions about him in terms of professionalism and attitude to business.

I have a very positive attitude towards Kurbanov and with the deepest respect.

But you see how life can turn out.

God grant that he resumes his career soon,” the coach concluded.