At the International Fencing Federation's congress in 2022, several members tried to silence the Swedish federation's president Otto Drakenberg when he questioned the appropriateness of hosting an upcoming championship in Saudi Arabia.

At the congress in Egypt a year later, in November 2023, the Swede felt that the climate had changed somewhat.

"Some of the people who sat quietly last year came up to me and said they had reconsidered. And at the opening speech, it was read out that everyone must be given the opportunity to speak to the end. Those were just a few examples of me experiencing a bit of a thaw in some places," Drakenberg told SVT Sport.

More leaders should stand up

He does not see himself as a "troublemaker" but thinks that more Swedish sports leaders should choose to fight abroad for their values.

"It's time to stand up for what you believe in, especially if you're from Sweden. I think we've tested the model of silence and loyalty enough," says Drakenberg.

Watch the full interview with Otto Drakenberg in the player below.