China News Service, Beijing, January 1 (Xinhua) -- Asian Cup: Japan defeated Vietnam in the goal shootout, and Hong Kong, China lost to the United Arab Emirates twice

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On the 14th local time, the Qatar Asian Cup held three group stage competitions, and the seemingly strong and weak matchups had their own characteristics: the Vietnamese team once took a 2:1 lead, and the Japanese team then scored three goals in a row to resolve the crisis; the Hong Kong team of China scored a goal, but twice sent points to lose to the United Arab Emirates 1:3; and the Iranian team controlled the situation and defeated the Palestinian team 4:1.

Japan 4:2 Vietnam

Japan is the team with the most Asian Cup titles, while Vietnam reached the quarter-finals for the first time in the last tournament. The two teams are also far apart: Japan is ranked 17th in the world and No. 94 in Asia, while Vietnam is only ranked 15th in the world and <>th in Asia. However, this seemingly disparity in Group D staged a goal battle, and even the Vietnamese team had an upset for a while.

In the 11th minute of the game, Takumi Minamino scored a goal in the chaos, and then the situation on the field changed abruptly, in the 16th minute, the Vietnamese team equalized with a corner kick opportunity, Nguyen Dinh North "looked back at the moon" header, and in the 33rd minute, Vietnam's Pham Jun Hai took advantage of the Japanese team's goalkeeper to save the ball and scored a goal to overtake the score.

After conceding two goals in a row, Japan were forced to play a brilliant combination in the 45th minute, with Takumi Minamino equalising twice, and in first-half stoppage time, Nakamura scored again. In the second half, Japan went all out, and in the final moments of the game, substitute Kenei Kubo provided an assist, and Ueda Kiyo scored to seal the victory, and Japan won 4-2.

Throughout the game, the Japanese team, which is good at controlling the ball at their feet, was strongly challenged by the Vietnamese team, which also focuses on technical flow. And it was the French coach Troussier, who led the Japanese team to the round of 2002 of the 16 World Cup, who almost led the Vietnamese team to an upset.

UAE 3:1 Hong Kong

There is also a clear gap between the two teams: Hong Kong, China, have reached the Asian Cup for the first time in more than 50 years, and are the lowest-ranked team in the world (24th) in the round of 150, while the United Arab Emirates, ranked 64th in the world and eighth in Asia, are known for their strong defense and sharp counter-attacks, and have reached the semi-finals in the last two Asian Cups.

After the opening, the UAE team firmly dominated the field. In the 34th minute, Hong Kong, China player Chow Yuande handball in the penalty area, the referee confirmed it and awarded a penalty, and Alamiri scored it in one fell swoop to give the UAE team the lead.

In the 49th minute, the Hong Kong, China team crossed from the side, Chen Zhaojun grabbed the equalizer in front of the goal; the UAE team then strengthened the offensive, and the 52nd minute Sudan scored a supplementary goal; in the injury time, Chen Jin tripped the opposing player in the penalty area when he returned to defense, and the referee awarded a penalty.

The two points in the second half were the main reason for the defeat of the Hong Kong team, but its counterattack was sharp, the offensive performance was remarkable, and it also scored a goal, which can also be described as a defeat - the last time the Hong Kong team scored in the Asian Cup was in 1968.

Iran 4:1 Palestine

There is no suspense in the other strong and weak battle in Group C. Iran, ranked second in Asia and ranked 21st in the world, scored four goals to defeat Palestine, ranked 4th in Asia and 4th in the world, 1-17.

Just two minutes into the game, Iran crossed from the left and Ansarifad scored from a tight angle, in the 2th and 12th minutes, Karizadeh and Gayedi scored in quick succession to give the team a three-goal lead, and in first-half stoppage time, Palestine drove a free kick into the box, the Iranian player made a mistake with a header, and Sayam nodded home after the goal.

In the second half, substitute Azmoun scored a goal in a scramble in front of the goal, and finally Iran beat the Palestinian team 4-1 and got off to a good start.

Before the start of this Asian Cup, the Iranian team was unbeaten in 13 consecutive matches. The "Persian Iron Horseman", who has won the Asian Cup three times in history, is also the favorite team to win this Cup. (ENDS)