Vanessa Zhâ & Olivier Poels 08:59, December 27, 2023

Gastronomy, leisure... Every day at 8:50 a.m., Olivier Poels and Vanessa Zha present a product, a producer and all the good plans to re(discover) a region.

Hello Vanessa Zhâ, Hello Olivier Poels, you continue to take us on cultural and gourmet walks throughout the week...

Olivier, what dish are you proposing to revisit today?

Vanessa, we continue to push open the doors of major heritage sites that celebrate the holidays. This morning we're going to Normandy, in the Eure ... we push open the doors of the Domaine du Champ de Bataille.

... to spend a magical Christmas season with an extraordinary guest: Jacques Garcia, THE great decorator. He bought this castle a little more than 30 years ago, a 17th century castle, a palace even, since you live there upstairs like at Versailles, at Fontainebleau. It was built by the great architect Louis Le Vaud before he tackled Vaux le Vicomte and then Versailles... And yesiii please... And since Jacques Garcia restored it, it has been a veritable palace of the fields, which has above all allowed him to blossom his soul as a collector. of art collector.

Elements that could very well be in Versailles or even in the Louvre. It's absolutely unique!!

Is this castle his life's work?!

Yes, his very dream! And this dream goes even further than re-enactment. he also touches on creation, as with these Gardens that he has totally shaped according to his fantasy: gardens that overlap, French gardens, an Italian garden, greenhouses, a Mughal garden, which can only be visited during European Heritage Days. The largest private gardens in Europe. And he didn't just create gardens, he also invented pieces, straight out of his imagination... like the Gallery of Animals.

... Here is a gallery dressed in animals, take advantage of it, it is not always open to the public either and it is 2 times more magical during the holidays. Each room is sublimated with incredible decorations, as you can imagine... But the real magic of Christmas is to travel back in time! And it's a first at Champ de Bataille: a dramatised visit. 15 actors take you on a journey in 1786... But in what story?. Answer from Sebastien

And you would have an address where you can sleep to make young and old dream.

Quite simply on the estate, at the Relais du Champ de Bataille. It's the most magical thing. 10 rooms located in the large common area of the castle. And here Jacques Garcia took the decision to decorate them in the fashion of the 19th century in oriental atmospheres.. Exotic. And that makes kids dream. The grown-ups that you are also Lionel and Olivier.