Charles Guyard (correspondent in the West) / Photo credit: LOIC VENANCE / AFP 07:53, December 17, 2023

FC Nantes hosts Brest at 13 p.m. this Sunday at the Beaujoire, a stadium filled with no doubt emotional supporters, two weeks after the death of a supporter, Maxime, killed by two stab wounds in a fight with VTC drivers on the sidelines of the last home game. In the stands, a tribute will be paid to him.

A gloomy pre-match. Two weeks after the tragic death of an FC Nantes fan who was stabbed, emotions are likely to run high this Sunday. Nantes returns to their home stadium, La Beaujoire, for the Ligue 16 matchday 1 against Brest. For the Brigade Loire, a group of Nantes supporters, the meeting is given at 9:30 a.m., in memory of Maxime, 31 years old, but also to say: "never again".

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"We really want to see our fans again, to have an atmosphere that matches this match, the match after that." The atmosphere is likely to be heavy at the Beaujoire for this next match, as Jocelyn Gourvennec, the Nantes coach, says. After the death two weeks ago of Maxime, the supporter stabbed by a VTC driver who was taken to task while transporting Nice fans to the stadium.

A tragedy that should awaken consciences

Before going to the stands, Dylan planned to take part in a rally organized by the Brigade Loire, the group to which Maxime belonged. "I'm a season ticket holder in the Loire grandstand. It's going to be quite peculiar because it's someone from our gallery who is being murdered, quite simply. We're all one big family, so it affects us all," he told Europe 1 radio. And beyond the tributes, this tragedy should above all awaken consciences, as Roland Menu, general secretary of Allez Nantes Canaris, a historic association of Nantes supporters, hopes.

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"Hopefully now everyone is aware of what has happened and everyone is reflecting. Let's hope that we get back to the football spirit and that everyone has fun, that we drink the glass of friendship and above all that football becomes a party again. That's the most important thing," he said. A party in which Brest fans will not participate this afternoon, as they have been banned from travelling to Nantes.