Zecira Musovic did keep a clean sheet, but since her teammates failed to score, she is still disappointed.

"It's really frustrating. You want to win so much and I can't influence anything. I can't start running into the box," she says.

"Häcken is doing well, but we have to do some soul-searching.

She is supported by the offensive player Johanna Rytting Kaneryd, who was replaced after just over an hour.

"We don't have enough quality in what we do. It doesn't matter how much possession we have. If we don't score goals, we don't win games.

"Very frustrating"

How frustrating is it when you still have possession and create chances?

"It's very frustrating. I'm frustrated with myself and the team. The quality has to be improved. We know we can.

Rytting Kaneryd, who previously played in Häcken, pays tribute to his old team.

"They're doing incredibly well. They've really taken steps since I left. Today they were incredibly sharp in defending their own box.

Watch the centimetre drama and Jennifer Falk's save on Rytting Kaneryd's location:

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Photo: Bildbyrån/SVT