When the Swedish national team players checked into their hotel the day before the World Cup premiere, they got a surprise from Nathalie Hagman and Jamina Roberts. For several weeks, the veterans have secretly called around to sponsors and companies on their own initiative to get a goodie bag to surprise their teammates.

"It says so much about them and how they are as people. That they think of all of us and are so creative. They have done a very nice job and there were like four full bags on the bed, says Linn Blohm.


The gift bag contained everything from crisps and chocolate to skin care products and pyjamas.

"So it's really all you need during a championship. I just had to look at all the girls – this lifted my spirits so much," says Mathilda Lundström.

"This represents our team. The fact that they think about things like that and how it was received from the team just shows that they appreciate us and that we appreciate them back, says Jenny Carlsson.

Started as a joke

Jamina Roberts says that the reason why she and Hagman surprised their teammates mostly started as a joke.

"When we played at the home European Championships in 2016, we were so excited to be greeted by a goodie bag in the room, but then there was nothing there. We had a little too high hopes perhaps, but we've been joking about that ever since and now we had to fix it ourselves," says Roberts.

Help from little brother and partner

Roberts has been assisted by his younger brother Kelvin and his partner Emil Berggren (sports director of Amo).

"Hagman and I have taken care of the administrative work and my brother has had to be a post office and drive back and forth throughout Gothenburg to get this together. In addition, my partner has been able to help. The girls were really excited, so that was fun," Roberts said.