It was a thrilling finish in the women's short distance in Idre. Prior to the third shooting, both Anna Magnusson and Elvira Öberg had shot full. However, Öberg was faster in the track and had a lead of 26 seconds.

But when Öberg missed a shot, while Magnusson once again shot full, the lead shrunk to 6.7 seconds.

The two Swedes came in at the same time for the last shooting. While Elvira Öberg missed two shots, Magnusson shot as solidly as before, and recorded the fourth clean sheet of the day.

She crossed the finish line 33 seconds ahead of Elvira Öberg. and almost 1.33 ahead of third place Susan Külm, Estonia.

Hanna Öberg quickly disappeared from the top battle and crossed the finish line in sixth place – 2.55 behind Magnusson.

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Photo: Fredrik Karlsson