Watch the scenes when Monfils wins the Nordic Open in the player above.

Experienced Frenchman Gael Monfils was in trouble in the final against Russian upset player Pavel Kotov.

But Monfils came back after losing the first set – and then decided the Nordic Open in the third set.

"He's coming back in an outstanding way," says expert Magnus Gustafsson.

The joy: "Feels fantastic"

The 37-year-old Monfils – who is coached by Sweden's Mikael Tillström – won the classic tournament in 2011 as well. He enjoyed Sunday's new triumph.

"It feels fantastic. I'm so happy to have won here again. There's a lot of emotion now," said the star, who will be the oldest player to win the tournament.

SEE ALSO: Monfils wins in Stockholm 2011

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See what it looked like when Gael Monfils won the Nordic Open in 2011.