"Based on the information that came out through the media yesterday, it is natural that the police are investigating whether there are reasonable grounds to initiate an investigation," police inspector Terese Braut Våge told NRK.

Running star Jakob Ingebrigtsen, together with his brothers Henrik and Filip, chose yesterday to go out and talk about their conflict with their father Gjert – which ended with them breaking off the collaboration almost two years ago.

"This situation has become infected. What we can do now is tell our story. We have grown up with a father who has been very aggressive and controlling and who has used physical violence and threats. We still feel the discomfort and fear that has been in us since childhood, the brothers wrote to VG.

"A realization I came to too late"

Gjert Ingebrigtsen refutes the accusations and replied:

"Their statements are baseless. I have never used violence against my children. The fact that I have had weaknesses as a father, and to a great extent been a coach, is a realization I have also come to – albeit far too late.

CLIP: Gjert Ingebrigtsen's lawyer on his sons' widows

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Photo: NRK