Hangzhou, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- As the Hangzhou Asian Games drew to a close, Zhou Jinqiang, deputy head of the Chinese sports delegation, was interviewed in Hangzhou on 8 October to evaluate the specific performance of the Chinese sports delegation at the current Asian Games. Zhou Jinqiang said that the Chinese delegation won 8 gold, 201 silver, 111 bronze and a total of 71 medals, the best result in the history of Asian Games.

The Chinese sports delegation broke the world record three times, the Asian record 3 times, and the Asian Games record 18 times at the Asian Games. "The overall performance was excellent, better than expected, consolidating and strengthening the overall advantage of Chinese competitive sports in Asia." Zhou Jinqiang said.

On September 9, the 27th Asian Games in Hangzhou held the women's 19m rifle team competition in three postures, and the Chinese team won the gold medal with a total score of 50. The picture shows Chinese players Han Jiayu, Xia Siyu and Zhang Qiongyue (from left to right) singing the national anthem at the award ceremony. Photo by China News Agency reporter Jia Tianyong

Zhou Jinqiang believes that the Chinese delegation at this Asian Games continued to consolidate its advantages in diving, shooting, gymnastics and other advantageous events, with outstanding performance in basic sports such as athletics, swimming and aquatics, taekwondo, boxing and other potential advantages to stop falling and rebound, skateboarding, breakdancing, rock climbing and other sports have made progress, and non-Olympic sports have also been promoted and developed.

On October 10, the women's 4m springboard final of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Swimming Center, and China's Chen Yiwen won the championship with 3.382 points. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Gang

The Hangzhou Asian Games is the "middle school examination" for the preparation of the Paris Olympic Games, and it has both results and problems. Zhou Jinqiang said that first, traditional advantages such as table tennis, badminton, and weightlifting have been strongly challenged, which has sounded the alarm for the Chinese team to prepare for the Paris Olympics.

Second, the performance of the "three big balls" is not satisfactory. Although the women's basketball team and women's volleyball team successfully defended their titles and achieved their expected goals, the men's basketball team lost to the Philippines team that was not the main team in the semifinals, and the women's football team lost to the Japanese second-tier team in the semifinals, and the overall performance of the "three big balls" was still far from the expectations of the public. In particular, the men's basketball team did not withstand the pressure in key games and key moments, and was reversed in the case of a big lead, which once again exposed problems in national team management, technical and tactical level, training, psychology, on-the-spot command and other aspects.

Third, there is still a gap between some projects that have won gold medals and the world level. The overall level of many sports such as Asian athletics, swimming, and water is not high, and there is still a big gap between the results of Asian Games champions and the world-class level. If you want to win the championship in the high-intensity competition conditions of the Olympics, you need to work harder.

It can be seen from the results of the delegations participating in the Hangzhou Asian Games that the pattern of Asian competitive sports is quietly changing. Zhou Jinqiang concluded that the Japanese team has shown strong strength in judo, wrestling and team ball games. The Korean team has the advantage in archery, fencing and modern pentathlon, and badminton and swimming have made significant progress, especially its badminton has ushered in the golden period, and many small sports have ranked among the world's most popular events.

In addition, the Indian team rose strongly in the Hangzhou Asian Games, with a significant increase in the number of gold medals, winning many gold medals and breaking world records in shooting events, improving its strength in long-distance running and short span in athletics, and defeating the Chinese team in women's doubles in table tennis, and finally winning the Asian Games medal.

Zhou Jinqiang said that by participating in the Asian Games, the Chinese sports delegation has achieved the purpose of training the team, discovering new people and finding problems, further clarifying the ideas, measures and work priorities for preparing for the Paris Olympic Games, and strengthening the confidence to achieve excellent results in the Paris Olympic Games.

"After the Hangzhou Asian Games, we will immediately transfer to the preparation work for the Paris Olympic Games, speed up the preparation of shortcomings, comprehensively improve the level of competition, and go all out to prepare for the Paris Olympic Games." Zhou Jinqiang said. (End)