Hangzhou, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- Question: What has the Asian Games left behind for Hangzhou?

China News Agency reporters Chai Yanfei and Wang Yifei

The Hangzhou Asian Games closed on the evening of the 8th. In more than half a month, Hangzhou, which hosted the International Multi-sports Games for the first time, built a dream stage for all Asian athletes with openness, inclusiveness and enthusiasm, and also presented a wonderful enough intercontinental sports event for the world. And when the Asian Games flame is extinguished, what does it leave behind for the host?

On September 9, the opening ceremony of the 23th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium in Zhejiang. The picture shows the entrance of athletes. Photo by China News Agency reporter Du Yang

Higher city energy levels

If the G7 Hangzhou Summit seven years ago opened a new stage in which Hangzhou's urban energy level rose by taking advantage of the "momentum", then the Hangzhou Asian Games, which has a longer preparation cycle, has made the city's acceleration at this stage reach an unprecedented level.

The "Asian Games dividend" of urban energy level improvement is reflected in transportation.

Taking the subway as an example, Hangzhou's first subway line opened in 2012, which is not too early among Chinese cities. With the successful bid for the Hangzhou Asian Games three years later, its subway construction has been greatly accelerated, and there are currently 3 lines with a total mileage of 12 kilometers, ranking sixth among Chinese cities.

The "Asian Games dividend" of urban energy level improvement is reflected in the facilities.

The Hangzhou Asian Games involves 54 competition venues and 30 training venues, most of which are located in Hangzhou, and they will also become an important carrier for urban development to benefit the people after the games. The relevant person in charge of the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee introduced, "All Asian Games venues were planning for the use of post-games when they began construction (transformation), and more than 50 venues have formulated specific utilization plans and operating units for the next step. ”

The "Asian Games dividend" on the city's energy level is reflected in the degree of internationalization.

During the Asian Games, Hangzhou not only greatly increased its international visibility, but also withstood the test of the grand event and became more resilient and tense. In addition, the internationalization level of public services represented by medical services in the city has also been further improved.

Thicker human heritage

The success and brilliance of this Asian Games are inseparable from the support and dedication of 1200 million people in Hangzhou. The Asian Games are also using its own unique way to give people a sense of gain and help the city's cultural accumulation deeper.

Before the start of the Asian Games, it became a common phenomenon that tickets for various events were "difficult to find". During the game, Hangzhou citizens enjoyed the wonderful showdown at the intercontinental and even world-class level at their doorstep, and truly felt the passion and charm of sports. For many, this experience is the first time.

Letting more people understand sports, participate in sports, and gain love for life through sports is one of the influences of the Asian Games on the city's cultural heritage. Not only watching the games, Jin Chenglong, secretary of the party group and director of Hangzhou Sports Bureau, introduced that the preparation and holding of the Asian Games has greatly driven the enthusiasm of the city's national fitness, and the total number of people who regularly participate in sports in Hangzhou has exceeded 500 million.

The Asian Games also allowed Hangzhou people to see the cohesion of the city composed of "thousands of themselves". Wang Wenshuo, deputy head of the Working Group for National Participation in the Asian Games of the Hangzhou Municipal Transport and Insurance Headquarters, said that 148.8 million people in Hangzhou have registered to participate in the Asian Games urban volunteer service, and a total of 252.<> million people have participated in urban volunteer service activities.

The Asian Games also left the host country with a sense of cultural identity and pride.

During the Asian Games, all kinds of licensed commodities that fully reflect Hangzhou's cultural characteristics are in short supply in the market. "Licensed goods have greatly promoted the public, especially the younger generation, to understand the local culture." Du Mengfei, deputy director of the market development department of the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee, said that as of October 10, the sales of licensed products based on mascots alone reached 4 million yuan.

More possibilities for the future

The Asian Games have brought changes to Hangzhou today, and also made the city see more possibilities in the future development.

The "smart" features of this year's Asian Games impressed the guests from all walks of life. Hangzhou officially introduced that it launched nearly 20 first-to-use, first-of-its-kind applications and technologies in the Asian Games.

For Hangzhou, the above exploration also injects confidence into its next "smart city" construction. Xu Weihua, member of the Standing Committee of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor, said that Hangzhou will deeply plan to promote the application of the achievements of the "post-Asian Games" era, continue to amplify the effect of the Asian Games, give full play to the role of the Asian Games legacy, and leverage the potential of the city's digital development.

The more possibilities brought by the Asian Games to the host are also reflected in Hangzhou's goal of building an international "competition" and "meeting" city.

During the Asian Games, the city signed cooperation agreements with the World Badminton Federation, the International Canoe Federation, and the International Hockey Federation. Yao Gaoyuan, Mayor of Hangzhou, introduced that Hangzhou aims to initially form a Hangzhou characteristic competition system by 2025, successfully bid for 3 top events of international individual sports organizations, hold more than 10 international and domestic high-level events every year, and more than 6 well-known brand events in the city; By 2035, establish a competition system that matches the world's first-class cities, and strive to hold another high-level comprehensive event and three to five top-level individual events such as the World Championship and the World Cup.

The Asian Games flame is extinguished, but the story of Hangzhou will not come to an end. On the road to creating a model of a modern city in the Chinese style, the city is striving to create more wonderful cities with the wind of the Asian Games. (End)