Wenzhou, October 10 (Zhongxin Net) -- The dragon boat competition of the 8th Asian Games in Hangzhou has come to an end, and one by one the dragon boats have sailed through the turquoise water, leaving a witness of the lasting friendship. In the past two days, the technical officer service team of Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Center has successively received 19 handwritten thank you letters.

A handwritten thank you note posted on the notification board. Photo courtesy of Zhuang Miaomiao

"Attentive service, quality and efficient." "Thank you for your careful and professional service, which has laid a solid foundation for the high-quality execution of all technical officers..." The content of the letter varies in length and language, some are to thank the timely help in emergency times, and some are to thank the warm service as always, but the words of various countries are written with the word "thanks", and behind the letters are their good memories with the Asian Games, Wenzhou and dragon boats.

"The technical officer service content includes 10 aspects such as catering, accommodation, clothing, transportation, etc., we are equivalent to a hub station, from the registration of information collection to arrival and departure, etc., we need to help dock, and then scattered to other fields to implement the implementation, we are on call 24 hours a day." Huang Lepei, head of technical officer services, said.

Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Center has a total of 14 technical officials service team in the field of comprehensive affairs of competition, docking and serving 78 domestic and foreign technical officials, the earliest technical official reported on September 9, but the service team began preparations as early as May.

Cheng Jingwu, director of the comprehensive affairs field of the competition of Wenzhou Dragon Boat Sports Center, said that for some more complex affairs, the technical officer service team will organize its own forms, and also compile technical officer instructions, bilingual notices, etc., to bring convenience to everyone's work. At the same time, they also made letterhead printed with Asian Games elements and postcards stamped with Asian Games stamps as souvenirs, which were loved by technical officials from various countries.

"The first-class racing venue, first-class organizational work, first-class logistics support, the water quality and facilities of the dragon boat racing venue are the best I have seen so far, and the operation of the overall team in Wenzhou is also very efficient and rigorous." Fan Guangsheng, president of the Asian Dragon Boat Federation and chairman of the China Dragon Boat Association, said in an interview. (End)