The Japan Sumo Association has partially changed the rules regarding the new apprentice test for prospective sumo wrestlers, and even if they do not meet the physique criteria, if their athletic ability is sufficiently recognized, they will pass the exam.

In sumo wrestling, new apprenticeship examinations are held six times a year before the main venue in order to enter as a sumo wrestler, and according to the rules of the association, the minimum height is 6 meter 1 centimeters and a weight of 67 kilograms.

The Japan Sumo Association has changed some of its members' rules and announced a new policy that allows new apprentices to pass the test if they are found to be good enough in the secondary test to measure athletic ability, even if they do not meet the standards for physique.

At present, it is limited to the main venue in Tokyo, which is held three times a year, and the content of the inspection will be decided by the referee board in the future.

In the New Apprenticeship Examination, in the past, there were applicants who put silicone in their heads to increase their height or drank a lot of water just before to gain weight, and according to those involved, the rules were changed this time to further open the door to becoming a sumo wrestler.

In addition, the makushita and third dan rating systems were reviewed, and the 67th and 2th grades of the makushita, which had been given to players who had achieved results in competitions such as students and business teams, were abolished and unified into the 3th lowest rating system.

Makushita is awarded to the top 10 or higher in the All Japan Sumo Championship, which determines the "Amateur Yokozuna", the National Student Sumo Championship to determine the "Student Yokozuna", and the adult division of the National Sports Festival.

For the third stage, the 15th rating will be abolished and changed to the lowest rating of the third stage.