Hangzhou, September 9 (ZXS) -- On 29 September, the Hangzhou Asian Games produced two gold medals in the men's sabre team and the women's foil team. The Chinese team won the women's foil team event, which was also the second gold medal won by the Chinese fencing team at this Asian Games. In the men's sabre team competition, the Chinese team lost to the South Korean team 28:33 and won the silver medal.

On September 9, China defeated South Korea 28-34 to win the women's foil team gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games. The picture shows Wang Yuting (left) facing South Korea's Choi Song-wu in the final. Photo by China News Agency reporter Tian Bochuan

The Chinese Foil Women's Group is composed of Chen Qingyuan, Huang Qianqian, Wang Yuting and Wang Yingying, in addition to Chen Qingyuan, Huang Qianqian, Wang Yuting and Wang Yingying are all "post-00" young generals. Chen Qingyuan is the individual champion of this year's Asian Championships, while Huang Qianqian has just won the gold medal in the women's individual foil at this Asian Games.

In the semifinals, they faced their old rivals Japan, and the Chinese foil women's team led all the way to advance to the final with a 16-sword advantage. At this year's Asian Championships and the last Asian Games, the Chinese women's flower team lost to the Japanese team and won the runner-up.

In the final against South Korea, the two sides played very glue. In the first game, China led 1-0, but was equalized by their opponents in the second game, and in the next four games, the two sides were equal and always kept even. In the seventh game, South Korea broke the deadlock and led by two points. In the eighth game, Chen Qingyuan played well, playing 4-2 to turn the tide and help the Chinese team lead by five points. In the final game, Huang Qianqian withstood the pressure and the Chinese team won 9-2.

After the game, the coach of the Chinese women's foil team commented: "Today's players played very perfectly, everyone played very tenacious in the final, did not let the opponent pull the score apart, and was not in a hurry, this is the tactics we arranged before the game, today the Korean team was very well prepared, and Chen Qingyuan played very well in the eighth game, which helped us open up the situation." ”

So far, the two gold medals of the Chinese fencing team have been won by the Chinese foil team, and Lei Sheng said that he did not have the confidence to win two gold medals before the competition, and only hoped that the individual and team would impact one. "In the team competition, 'Surprise Soldier' was used, Wang Yuting joined this group for the first time, and the coach of the other party also asked the athlete who this team member is, do you know?"

Summing up the competition, Lei Sheng said that this year's Asian Games has achieved the purpose of training troops with the old and the new, "The training must be in the final field, only after a difficult competition in the final field, and then win, can you gain confidence and strengthen your skills."

In the men's sabre team competition, the Chinese team lost to the South Korean team 33:45 and won the runner-up. The Chinese Sabre Men's Team is composed of Yan Yinghui, Shen Chenpeng, Lin Xiao and Liang Jianhao, and only Yan Yinghui has ever participated in the Asian Games once. The South Korean team played on the day is currently ranked No. <> in the world, while the Chinese team is ranked No. <> in the world.

In the final, the Chinese team was reversed by the South Korean team after taking the lead in the opening set. Lin Xiao said when resuming the game after the game: "In addition to playing the first game well, when the score is behind, I am a little anxious, the confidence of the Korean team is stronger than ours, because we have won many championships, we are more lacking in confidence, there are problems with mentality, and technically we can still fight." ”

Following the Incheon Asian Games and the Jakarta Asian Games, the South Korean team once again topped the highest podium in Asia, achieving the "third consecutive championship" of the Asian Games in this event. South Korea's Wu Sang-wook and Goo Ben-wook previously won the men's individual sabre championship and runner-up at this Asian Games. (End)