Hangzhou, September 9 (ZXS) -- The 23th Asian Games in Hangzhou will open on the evening of 19 September, and about 23,1400 athletes from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will participate in dozens of events, the largest number of participants ever.

Hong Kong, China: Strive for a new number of medals

At the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games held on the evening of the 23rd, rugby player Yao Jincheng and martial arts athlete Mo Wanying of the Hong Kong delegation of China will serve as flag bearers at the opening ceremony. Mo Wanying, who participated in the Asian Games for the second time, said that she was honored to be the flag bearer of the Hong Kong delegation at the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, and believed that this honor would also give her strength on the field.

At this Asian Games, the Hong Kong delegation sent a team of 940 people, including Tokyo Olympic gold medalist and men's foil foil player Zhang Jialang and swimming star He Shibei, the largest scale ever.

Zhang Jialang will attack for medals in fencing on the 24th, he said, "The goal this time is mainly to win medals, I hope to rush for gold, but I don't want to put too much pressure on myself." Asian foil is of a high level and very competitive, and this is also a good opportunity to get to know your opponents and gain experience. ”

Zhang Ling, who has turned from athlete to coach, hopes to realize her dream of traveling to the fourth Asian Games. "I participated as an athlete in the first three editions, but unfortunately I didn't get a medal, I hope my junior brothers and sisters can compete for medals." Wang Kangjie, a tennis player who won the "baton", has participated in the Asian Games for the second time, and in the face of the coach's expectations, he hopes to work hard to be himself.

At the last Asian Games, the Hong Kong delegation won 8 golds, 18 silvers and 20 bronzes, with a total of 46 medals, setting the best result in this event. "In recent years, young athletes from Hong Kong, China have achieved good results in cycling, fencing, gymnastics and other events, and I hope that they will show themselves in the Asian Games and reach new highs in the number of medals." Fok Qigang, head of the Hong Kong delegation, introduced.

Macao, China: Striving for Honor Preparing for the National Games

At this Asian Games, the sports delegation of Macao, China, sent a team of 273 people, including 183 athletes, to compete in 21 sports such as athletics, basketball, badminton and wushu at the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Shen Yanheng, a Go player from Macau, China, has been to Hangzhou many times and looks forward to more exchanges this time. Tamin Teng, a member of the Macau judo team in China, is participating in the Asian Games for the second time and looks forward to seeing her progress through the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Video: [Hangzhou Asian Games] Macao athlete Teng Limin: Expecting more than nervousSource: China News Network

Macau synchronized swimmer Zhou Jingxian, who finished eighth in the team event at the Asian Games in Jakarta, hopes to compete with higher-level athletes and achieve better results this time.

Pan Yongquan, head of the Macao delegation, said in an interview with the media that this year's Hangzhou Asian Games is the ninth time that Macao delegations have participated in the Asian Games, and every team and every athlete has prepared very well, hoping to win glory for Macao through the Hangzhou Asian Games.

At the Jakarta Asian Games, 110 athletes from the Macao delegation of China participated in 16 competitions and won 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze.

Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region, Ouyang Yu, expressed the hope that the athletes would enjoy the process of participating in the Hangzhou Asian Games. We can also learn from the experience of hosting and organizing the Games to prepare for the 2025th National Games jointly hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in 15.

Chinese Taipei: Broke through the 100th gold medal of the Asian Games delegation

Two days ago, Chinese Taipei defeated Indonesia 1-0 in the second round of Group F of the men's football event at the Hangzhou Asian Games. It was the first victory for Chinese Taipei since participating in the men's Asian Games event, and Chinese Taipei head coach Chen Junming described the victory as "unforgettable". In the women's football match on the same day, Chinese Taipei defeated India 2-1 and achieved a "good start".

At this year's Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese Taipei delegation sent 521 athletes to compete in 33 sports such as archery, athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, boxing, etc., with the largest lineup in history, with a total of more than 760 representative teams.

"The Chinese Taipei delegation has won a total of 99 gold medals in previous Asian Games. This Asian Games, we will win the hundredth gold medal, which is very commemorative, and the athletes will give their all. Cai Jiafu, the general leader of the Chinese Taipei delegation, said earlier.

Chinese Taipei gymnast Ding Huatian, who has just participated in the 31st Summer Universiade in Beijing, was full of curiosity about everything here after coming to Hangzhou, and in the athletes' village, she exchanged special badges with other athletes and met many friends. She hopes to reach her "small goal" by reaching the finals of the balance beam event in gymnastics.

At the last Asian Games, the Chinese Taipei delegation won 17 golds, 19 silvers and 31 bronzes, and they hope to break through the <> gold medals while attacking more medals. (End)