Beijing, September 9 (Zhongxin Net) -- "In Asia, mountains are high heads; In our Asia, the river flows like blood. ”

Thirty-three years ago, the surging "Asian Heroes" resounded at the Beijing Workers' Stadium, ushering Chinese in the Beijing Asian Games, the first international multi-sport event to be held on the doorstep of the Beijing Asian Games.

The 1990 Beijing Asian Games set a coordinate, then extended to the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, and then to the ancient city of Hangzhou and the Asian Games today. China's indissoluble bond with the Asian Games also spans the unparalleled 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

This is not only the span of time, but also carries the historical leap of the vigorous development of China's sports industry and the symbolic footnote of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center "Big Lotus". Photo/Visual China

Meet the Asian Games and move towards a sports powerhouse

- A competitive sports event

The Asian Games have gone through 72 years, and when I looked back at the first New Delhi Games, New China, which was in ruins, could not form a sports delegation.

It was not until 1974 that the Chinese sports delegation stepped on the Asian Games for the first time. In Tehran, Iran, the famous Su Zhibo "shot down" China's first Asian Games gold. In that competition, the Chinese Legion won 33 gold medals, ranking second in the gold medal list.

In 1982, the Asian Games returned to New Delhi, India. This time, the Chinese sports delegation made history by topping the gold medal list at the Asian Games for the first time with 61 gold medals.

Data map: On September 2018, 9, in the final of the men's basketball team of the Asian Games in Jakarta, the Chinese men's basketball team defeated Iran to regain the Asian Games championship after eight years. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Dongming

It was due to the continuous breakthrough in the Asian Games that after the Chinese sports delegation returned to the Olympic arena, shooter Xu Haifeng won China's first Olympic gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. In that grand event, the Chinese women's volleyball team led by Lang Ping, the "prince of gymnastics" Li Ning, who won three gold medals, and others became China's shining new business cards.

In 1990, China welcomed the Beijing Asian Games, the first locally hosted international multi-sport event. Under the watchful eye, Xu Haifeng lit the cauldron, and the Chinese sports delegation won 183 gold medals. That record was not broken until 20 years later, when China was once again hosted. Since the beginning of the 1982th Asian Games in 10, the Chinese Legion has won the first place in the total number of gold medals for <> consecutive times.

Data map: Jakarta Asian Games, Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship. Photo by China News Agency reporter Hou Yu

Over the past 49 years, from participating in the Asian Games for the first time, hosting the Asian Games for the first time, to becoming the host of the Asian Games for the third time, China's sports industry has already ushered in tremendous changes.

Under the guidance of the unique charm of competitive sports, the public's awareness of sports is no longer limited to gold medals, nor is it just willing to be a "spectator", and national fitness has gradually become a craze and lifestyle. The interaction between competitive sports and national fitness has made China more solid and powerful on the road to becoming a strong sports country.

Overlooking the Chun'an Highway Cycling Track of the Hangzhou Asian Games, along the lake, along the village and along the mountain, the scenery is picturesque. Photo by CNSphoto Yang Bo

Meet the world, @未来

- A date for international exchange

If sports are strong, China is strong, and if the country is prosperous, sports will be prosperous. The Asian Games recorded the vigorous development of China's sports industry and witnessed the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Now, through the window of the Asian Games, China and the world are once again integrated. The largest scale, the largest number of projects, the widest coverage, the three "most" characters, fully demonstrate China's great power style and strong strength.

Under the guidance of the concept of "green, intelligent, thrifty and civilized", the 56 Asian Games venues full of science and technology show China's wisdom and show the world China's determination to achieve green and low-carbon, and assume the responsibility and courage of "great country responsibility" for the community with a shared future for mankind.

Hangzhou Asian Games Chun'an Branch Village morning sun rising in the east, the sun is shining, and the autumn colors are charming. Photo by CNSphoto Yang Bo

The Hangzhou Asian Games is not only a grand event between China and various Asian countries and regions, but also attracts the attention of the world. As a unique international language, sport carries friendship and solidarity, peace and equity, love and respect.

In the face of unprecedented changes in the world, times and history, and in the face of the challenges of all mankind in world peace and development, only by uniting and working hand in hand and blending and helping each other can we walk hand in hand and successfully adapt to changes. This is also just like the profound connotation interpreted by the theme slogan of the Hangzhou Asian Games "Heart to Heart, @未来".

Sand painting artist painting emblem of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. Photo/Visual China

Meet the culture and pass on the torch

——An exhibition of cultural integration

During the three encounters between China and the Asian Games, they also showed the world the profound heritage and charm of Chinese culture.

From the mascot "Panpan" running with a gold medal, to the mascot "Five Rams" that interprets auspiciousness, harmony, happiness and consummation, to the "Jiangnan Memory" combination that is rich in traditional cultural elements and futuristic.

Just like the Asian Games torch relayed, Chinese civilization has a long history in the "torch". Through the "torch" of the Asian Games, China has also transmitted its unique cultural charm to the world.

The torch of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou "fireworks". Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Gang

The traditional cultural elements contained in the Hangzhou Asian Games are everywhere. "Big Lotus", "Little Lotus", "Big Jade" and "Hangzhou Umbrella" and other venue shapes, "Hushan" medals and "blue and white porcelain" dresses that present the landscape of Hangzhou's lakes and mountains, the "Chaoyang" emblem taken from Qianjiang Chao, and the "Fire Torch" torch incorporating Liangzhu jade elements...

The mascot "Jiangnan Yi" combination will run through the ancient and modern Jiangnan style and Chinese civilization in the overall shape of the robot, and the connection between tradition and modernity will tell the traditional culture of China through the ages.

In the design concept, the "Qiang" in "Jiangnan Memory" comes from Liangzhu culture, representing the inheritance of civilization and the self-confidence of Chinese culture; "Chenchen" comes from the Grand Canal and embodies the concept of intelligent Asian Games; "Lotus Lotus" comes from West Lake, and the lotus leaf-like patterns on the top of the head are intertwined, symbolizing Hangzhou's ecological civilization.

In the narration of cultural symbols, China vividly shows its deep cultural self-confidence.

Hangzhou Asian Games mascot "Jiangnan Yi" sculpture. Photo by China News Agency reporter Qian Chenfei

Meet Hangzhou and light up the city

——A grand event of urban style

"Run a good meeting and improve a city." Today, the ancient city of Hangzhou on the banks of the Qiantang River is ready to welcome visitors from all directions. The subway station full of sports elements, the Asian Games limited edition Fuxing number, the ubiquitous mascot Jiang Nanyi "Three Little Ones"...

Although the Hangzhou Asian Games is the largest, most numerous projects and most extensive coverage in the history of the Asian Games, under the guidance of the concept of green hosting of the Games, green and low-carbon technologies have been integrated into the design and operation of venues. Of the 56 competition venues, only 12 are newly built, while the rest are converted or temporarily built.

In accordance with the principle of "Asian Games during the game, city after the game", the Asian Games e-sports venues located in Hangzhou Gongshu District, Shaoxing Keqiao Yangshan Climbing Center and other venues will undertake daily performances, ball games, exhibitions, youth research bases and other activities after the Asian Games, and Hangzhou Asian Games Village will also become the home of many citizens.

Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony venue - Zhejiang Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Gang

In the much-anticipated opening ceremony, the established "fireworks display" setting of previous large-scale events will be broken, and digital fireworks will be selected to allow the audience to see an unprecedented fireworks spectacle through digital technology three-dimensional animation and AR technology.

A poetic, energetic, innovative, green and intelligent Hangzhou will be lit up by the light of the Asian Games. A green, low-carbon, beautiful, harmonious, self-confident and self-reliant picture of Chinese modernization will also be presented to the world through the window of the Asian Games. (End)