Watch Armand Duplanti's world record jump in the player above.

Armand Duplantis topped the list of the world's top male athletes for nearly three years before being knocked down from the throne in July. American shot star Ryan Crouser took over the top spot and since then Duplantis has had to put up with being ranked second or third.

Now, however, the Swedish star is back at the top. This weekend's Diamond League win and world record see Duplantis climb past both Crouser and triple world champion Noah Lyles.

However, Daniel Ståhl loses places on the list. The Swedish world champion goes from place 19 to 26.

The female list remains unchanged. Faith Kipyegon's triple world record during the season means that she remains ranked as the world's best female athlete.

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See the best of Armand Duplanti's super season. Photo: Bildbyrån