Tomorrow, Austria awaits at home in the European Championship qualifiers and many of the questions at Monday's press conference were about the starting eleven.

"I'm pretty clear about it, but there are a few positions that I'll have to check in my head this afternoon," says Janne Andersson.

When asked if Albin Ekdal, who did not play on Saturday against Estonia, was rested for Tuesday's clash, the head coach replied:

– There you interpret me correctly, yes.

Albin starts against Austria?

–Perhaps. You will see tomorrow.

Janne Andersson has previously praised the midfielder's efforts in blue and yellow.

"Albin has been very good in the national team and is very reliable," he says.

SVT Sport's expert Daniel Nannskog interprets Andersson's response as Ekdal starting in midfield.

"It really sounded like Albin was going to start. A balance player who I think will be needed against Austria, who are a completely different team than Estonia. I guess that was confirmed there.

Austria is second in the qualifying group with ten points, the same points as Belgium. Sweden is four points behind in third place. The match against Austria kicks off at 20.45 p.m. tomorrow.