Daniil Medvedev and Novak Djokovic are not just long-time rivals, but also good friends off the court. Their friendship began back in 2017, when at that time the 12-time winner of Grand Slam tournaments invited a little-known Russian player to go to the Davis Cup meeting in Belgrade on his private jet. Since then, tennis players often, when the opportunity presents itself, train together and spar. Their kind and warm relationship is not affected by the results of personal meetings: both continue to treat each other with the same respect.

Sunday's final of the US Open was no exception, in which the Serb defeated his counterpart in three sets and won a record, 24 titles at the majors. After the match, the loser, although visibly upset, joked and teased the winner, and he responded to his friend in kind.

"First, I want to ask Novak: what are you still doing here? Good already! - Medvedev began his speech at the award ceremony, pretty much laughing at his counterpart, who has been in the tennis elite for more than 15 years. - And if no kidding, then what is the joint final, the third, for you and me? I don't think it will be the last. I hope so, because you will probably play in many more. I don't know when you're going to slow down a bit, but congratulations to you and your team. 24... I think I have a good career, I have 20 titles, and you have 24 Slams. Wow! Congratulations, you and your team are amazing!"

The Russian also admitted that the confrontation with Djokovic and Rafael Nadal constantly gives him an incentive to improve his own game.

"I think it's amazing that I once beat Novak in a Grand Slam final. At the moment, this is the pinnacle of my career. But at the same time, if Novak and Rafa didn't exist? This, of course, is impossible... I played five finals with them and was able to win only once. He encourages me to become better," said Daniel.

He also noted that he felt his advantage in the second game and could have turned the tide of the meeting, but made a number of erroneous decisions in some draws, which led to defeat. He especially singled out the game at the net on the setball, when, instead of playing along the line in an empty part of the court, he sent the ball straight to the racket of the Serb, who was located diagonally.

"The second set was the best I've done and I haven't won it. Therefore, it is understandable that the match developed in this way: in the first and third, he [Novak] was stronger. If I had taken the second one, perhaps the game would have been different. But that's life and that's tennis," the athlete said at a press conference.

The Serb, in turn, expressed confidence that the opponent will still have victories at the majors ahead, and also answered the question with which Daniil began his speech. According to Novak, while it is possible to demonstrate tennis of the highest level, he does not plan to retire.

"I don't want to leave if I'm still at the top," the athlete emphasized.

It is worth noting that one funny and revealing episode occurred during Sunday's match. At one point, Daniel fell on the court and did not get up immediately, but for some time lay with his arms outstretched. Novak approached to make sure that everything was in order with his opponent, but seeing that he was in no hurry to get up, he climbed over the net and held out his hand to him. To this, the Russian only waved his hand, they say, everything is fine, but I will still lie down. It reminded many of the ending of the final in New York two years ago, when video game lover Medvedev celebrated his victory over the Serb by lying on the court and sticking out his tongue - that is, Dead Fish from FIFA.

Djokovic, by the way, also celebrated his triumph in a rather unusual way. First, he and his entire team wore sweaters with the number 24. Judging by the white color, they were prepared for Wimbledon, but there Alcaraz raised the cherished bowl over his head. Secondly, Novak wore a T-shirt with a photo of the famous basketball player Kobe Bryant, who tragically died in 2020, and the inscription Mamba Forever, referring to the nickname of the Lakers defender Black Mamba. The tennis player admitted that this idea came to his mind about a week ago, and he ordered the jersey secretly from everyone.

"Kobe was a close friend. We talked a lot about the championship character when I faced injuries and tried to come back, to get to the top again. He was among the people I relied on the most. He was always ready to help with any advice, to support in a friendly way. Of course, what happened a few years ago, his death and his daughter, hurt me deeply. I thought that 24 is the number that Kobe wore on his shirt when he became a legend of the Lakers and basketball in general, and I decided that it would be wonderful and symbolic to pay tribute to everything he did, "the first racket of the world explained.

"If I had won the second set, things could have been different"

According to the winner of Roland Garros in 1974 in doubles Olga Morozova, the Serbian tennis player played the final match at an extremely high level and deservedly won 24 trophies at Grand Slam tournaments.

"I don't know if there will ever be such players in the world. Although once we thought that no one could win Roland Garros five times in a row, and Rafael Nadal took it and did it, "she said in a conversation with RT.

According to the expert, the outcome of the game was influenced by Djokovic's simpler grid, "although at tournaments such as the US Open, there are no passable opponents at all."

"But if you compare, then Daniil had a more difficult time: he played with both Rublev and Alcaraz. These were incredibly tough matches. And emotionally, by the end, he had less and less energy. He was ready, but Novak, who noticeably improved during the tournament, demonstrated tennis of the highest level. From the very first ball, a tense struggle ensued, the rallies lasted for 15-20, or even more, strikes. Moreover, the athletes did not just kick the ball over the net, but played with such speed, with such intelligence that you are simply amazed. It was very exciting," said Morozova.

According to her, Djokovic played very aggressively, taking risks and sending the ball close to the line.

"By the way, they are similar in style to Daniil - both like to make the opponent make a mistake, put him in a dead end, they are looking for interesting combinations. And this time Novak did it better. If in the semifinals with Shelton he had a broken serve somewhere, then with Medvedev he practically did not allow himself this, especially at key moments. And Daniil's serve did not work. In the semifinals, Danya found a game against Alcaraz - those actions, those blows, after which the opponent cannot attack and put you in a difficult position. And with Djokovic, he did not succeed - or Novak simply did not allow him to do it. I was hoping that the Serb's shot from the right would stall, as sometimes happens, but no, and besides, he just played great from the flight. I just tore the rhythm of Dani's game and very successfully went to the net, "the interlocutor of RT emphasized.

She agreed with the opinion that the second set could be a turning point if it remained for the Russian.

"There were moments when Daniil could have won. I remember very well the rally at the break point, when Novak came to the net, completely opening the line for attack. But Danya outwitted himself and played a cross, and then missed the tie-break. And if I had won this second set, everything could have been different. He would have had a chance to turn the game around. But we must understand that they are both fighters who do not give up to the last, so it is difficult to say how events could develop further. Players of this level sometimes demonstrate miracles on the court.

I remember Pete Sampras felt very bad in one of the matches at the US Open, and during the tie-break he just vomited right on the court. And after that, he came out to serve and performed an ace! It's unbelievable! Then, when asked how he did it, the American replied: "I saw that he moved to the left." Therefore, I served under the right hand and then won that match and the whole tournament. It is from such trifles, from such moments that are invisible to the ordinary eye, that the big victories of the best players are built. And it is a great happiness that we now have the opportunity to see such confrontations as this final," the former Roland Garros champion concluded.

According to the President of the Russian Tennis Federation Shamil Tarpishchev, Medvedev psychologically did not have time to recover after two difficult previous matches.

"The nervous load was inadequate. And he didn't have enough patience in the game. If we played tomorrow, there would be a different tennis. Djokovic played tactically competently. The first ball varied, from the back line he played a variety of games and cut a lot on the left. Due to this, he shot down Medvedev. All the same, Daniil should be praised for these two weeks that he played at the US Open. He showed an outstanding game against Alcaraz. This is a tournament with a big plus sign for him, "Sport-Express quotes the specialist.

In turn, the honored coach of the Russian Federation Alexander Kalivod suggested that the native of Moscow deliberately did not force events at the beginning of the match, as he expected a five-set confrontation. In addition, in his opinion, the Serb played a little to the public, showing ostentatious fatigue.

"But, as practice shows, Djokovic rarely gives up the initiative if he wins the first set. I am sure that many will agree with me. The second game predetermined the outcome of the meeting. Danya had good chances to seize the initiative. But when Novak takes a few games to zero, it hits psychology, colossally infuriating. In addition, the antics of the Serb also played a role. He is perfectly able to delay time and lull the opponent's vigilance. It was enough to look closely, despite all his ostentatious fatigue and heavy sighs, every approach to the ball was made by him in advance. Djokovic perfectly read Medvedev and consciously prepared for the answer. However, a couple of moments in Dani's game confused me the most. Firstly, why did he work so receptions, preferring to receive the second ball, standing in the same place and not reducing the distance for attacking. Secondly, his unbending desire to play on the halfcourt, where the Serb felt like a fish in water, "Kalivod told RT.