It was during the World Junior Championships in January that Jenna Raunio, 16, went into the fence and hit her head. She was forced to walk off the ice temporarily, but came back to the game and continued to play the tournament.

"I knew my head hurt but I wanted to finish the World Cup. It made me lie quite a lot and play on anyway. As bad as I felt then, no one knew. It was just go for it... It's hard to talk about.

A few weeks later, she received another blow to the head. Then with the club team HV71. At that time, Raunio was open to the club's doctors and it was found that she had suffered a severe concussion.

The doctors don't know when she'll be back

Since then, she has had problems with balance, memory and concentration. Three times she has fainted. Doctors explain it with a drop in blood pressure but continue to investigate the 16-year-old.

When and if she might be back, doctors don't know.

HV71's SDHL premiere is on September 24. The same day that Raunio turns 17.

"The best gift would have been to play on my birthday. What do you do if you don't play hockey as well? I'm going back.