The past financial year can be described as a financial nightmare year for the Bandy Federation. A negative result of almost five million SEK means that half of the equity, which amounted to nine million, has been spent.

According to John Johansson, this is because revenues were lower than expected. This mainly concerns a lack of sponsorship revenue and the Swedish Championship finals, which were arranged by the federation instead of Uppsala municipality as before.

"Must be smarter"

"In retrospect, it didn't turn out the way we would have liked. But it was also a requirement from Uppsala, that they will not be the organizer in the same way as before, says the board John Johansson to Bandypuls.

He believes that these loss of revenue also became difficult to compensate for as it happened late in the season. In addition, the exclusion of Russia affects the Swedish federation's finances. Sweden has arranged a larger part of the international activities during the past year, which has cost in resources.

"We must become smarter and more efficient in what we do. During the budget work, we have found things where we can save without affecting the sporting quality of the business, Johansson says.

MORE BANDY: Watch the decision in the dramatic Swedish Championship final (18/3)

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It will be a unique bandy world championship in Sweden when both Sweden's men and women chase world championship gold at the same time. Photo: Bildbyrån